Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Anishinaabe Literature and Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Anishinaabe Literature and Culture - Essay Example These native Indians form the Anishinaabe tribe of America. Some American universities teach Anishinaabemowin, the language spoken by the people of this tribe. These people were divided into three communities: Odawa, Ojibwe, and Bodewatomi speaking different dialects of the Anishinaabemowin. The Indians still hold the ways of their ancestors and cultivate, nurture, and protect the knowledge of their ancestors among their children. This has led to the continuity of the rich Anishinaabe language and culture that is still studied by the present generation. Children learn their language, governance, judicial system, culture, religion, and citizenship. This culture was overshadowed by Christianity and modernization, but the remaining descendants teach their children about their ancestors in order to ensure the continuity of their culture. It is difficult to maintain ethnic identity without the existence of language. The Anishinaabe descendants struggle to maintain continuity of their lang uage by teaching their children. The learning process begins by explaining the meaning of the verbs in the seven teachings (Apple, 2008). The seven pronouns are set in the teachings called the seven grandfathers. These are: Nbwaakaawin (wisdom), Zaagi’idiwin (love), Minaadendamowin (respect), Aakwa’ode’ewin (bravery), Debwewin (truth), Dibaadendiziwin (humility) and Gwekwaadiziwin (Honesty). These are part of the original words of the ancestors that form the roots of the language. Understanding language helps understand the cultural practices, institutions, and social festivities observed by the Anishinaabe. The elderly in the communities act as reference points for teachers and learners of the language. Their dialect and understanding of the language has not been overly diluted by the English language, as is the case among the young people (Eigenbrod, LaRocque and DePasquale, 2010). The Ojibway language, part of Algonquian language group, is the most frequently spoken Aboriginal language besides Cree and Inuit languages. It is usually expressed in syllabics or the roman orthography. The syllabics were invented in 1840 by James Evans, a missionary working in Hudson’s Bay. Some Anishinaabe people claim that he did not invent the symbols, but he incorporated them into the writing system (Tigerman, 2006). The Wawatay bilingual newspaper commonly circulated among the Anishinaabe communities in northern Ontario contains texts written in syllabics. In some other texts such as children books, roman orthography is used. These forms of writing are also commonly used in educational materials that have revived the Ojibway language. English authors of the Anishinaabe origin have revived the language through the educational system, media, and literary works. They have helped produce bilingual books that enable the young generations learn their native language. Northwest Ontario has the largest population of the Anishinaabe people. The people hav e two collections of narratives passed down orally for centuries. These are the Ojibway heritage and the sacred legend. The sacred legend existed among the Oji-Cree speaking community near the sandy lake. The collection contains a creation story with the earth diver motif. According to these stories, several animals dived deep into the ocean to retrieve soil for recreating the earth after the great flood. This distinguishes the Aboriginal creation stories from the Biblical stories. However, missionaries declared the ecological relationships among living things superstitious and primitive. Missionaries introduced church-run schools that taught English and the European way of thinking (Vizenor, 2009). The introduction of Christianity
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Examining Evidence Of Climate Change Environmental Sciences Essay
Examining Evidence Of Climate Change Environmental Sciences Essay The definition of climate change is the change in global climate over time due to Natural and human influences. The main natural influence is the Greenhouse effect. Some scientists have come to the conclusion that the world is experiencing climate change, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is rising, the polar icecaps are melting and sea levels are rising. Health issues connected to climate change include Water, food and vector borne diseases, Respiratory disease, Solar radiation, Heat waves and flooding. Vector borne diseases such as Malaria and Dengue fever have increased due to climate change since 1975. Malaria is extremely sensitive to climate change, as malaria is common in warmer areas of the planet such as Africa and is sensitive to temperature changes, many studies have come to the conclusion that climate change is responsible for Vector borne disease spreading to cooler areas, the disease used to be rare in cooler areas of the world. Variations in solar radiation are thought to effect climate change by causing the earth to get warmer due to an increase in sunspots. Radiation will be increased due to cooling of the stratosphere which increases the effect of ozone depleting gases, also climate change alters cloud formation which can allow more radiation to the earths surface, and higher temperatures results in people spending more time outside increasing exposure to solar radiation. (IPCC, 2010). Heat waves have led to many deaths particularly in the elderly especially if they suffer from other health problems as well as they cannot cope with changing temperature extremes. Heat waves also cause dehydration from loss of salt and fluid due to sweating which in turn can result in coronary thrombosis due to high blood concentration. Flooding is due to the rise in sea and river levels and more intense rainfall, there are many consequences that come from this which are loss of homes and personal belongings, productivity loss for businesses, effects on tourism, farming, interruption to Gas and electricity supplies connected to electricity loss is disruption to communication ie TV, telephones, radios and the internet. (Architecture.com, 2010). Vector borne diseases such as Malaria and Dengue fever have increased due to climate change since 1975. Malaria is extremely sensitive to climate change and warmer temperatures support disease transmission resulting in a spread of the disease to cooler areas. Warming Temperature coupled with air pollution can lead to increased chances of respiratory disease such as COPD, asthma and bronchitis. There is a lot of evidence to suggest climate change is having an impact on aeroallergens, mould spores and pollen activity which is directly linked to asthma. The greenhouse effect occurs when gases in the atmosphere mainly carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane trap energy from the sun and keeps the planet at a range of temperatures to sustain Human life, without this effect the earth would be 60F colder. Manmade greenhouse effect happens when fossil fuels are burnt greenhouse gases escape into the atmosphere and enhance the natural effects. Burning fossil fuels also increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and many scientists believe this is responsible for global warming. (Weatherquestions.com, 2010) Scientists have predicted that rising sea levels due to melting ice sheets will push up sea levels by a metre by 2100. This occurrence happens because of thermal expansion, in simple terms as sea water warms its density decreases and volume increases, the ice melts quicker than the snowfall is being replaced resulting in rising sea levels. The impact of this is flooding in low lying coastal areas affecting 10% of the worlds population. Projections of global sea level rise by the IPCC in 2001 ranged from 9 to 88 cm by 2100. (Science Daily, 2009) A Large percentage of scientists however have come to the conclusion that global warming does not exist, they believe that there is not enough evidence to conclude that CO2 realised into the atmosphere by man is causing the so called greenhouse effect 17,000 scientists have signed a petition to this affect. (Captitalism Magazine, 2001). At the UN Climate summit in Copenhagen governments are attempting to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and stop human induced climate change with a new global agreement, the scientists who disagree have come up with ten reasons why we are not experiencing climate change. Reliable sources of temperature data show no global warming trend, as all global warming predictions are done using a computer model not historical data. It has been found by instruments that the earth is warming up but the instruments do not show true values as the readings are taken in urban areas and because of the urban heat island effect where an urban area is warmer than the surrounding rural areas the readings will not be correct. And some areas of the world dont even have access to instruments so overall the readings are subject to large errors. Since 1998 records show from using satellite predictions there no significant warming. The earth was found to be warmer in the recent past, where temperatures in Europe were higher than they are now, and the arctic was warmer in 1930 than it is today. Computer models have been found to be unreliable because they cannot model all the variables that can affect the weather such variables being, influence of clouds, distribution of water vapour and warm seawaters impact on ice shelves. Computer models predict atmospheric behaviour but the measurements are showing the opposite so the computer models are wrong or the measurements are somehow incorrect. The sun is now thought to be responsible for climate change due to its changing output and solar wind. CO2 rises that presumably occur before temperature rises is believed to be not the case in fact the CO2 rise happens after the temperature change suggesting that warmer temperature increases the gas escape from the oceans. The use of satellites to establish weather trends was only started in the 1970s so measurements where not very accurate before that time, a lot of effects such as Hurricanes and the extent of arctic ice would therefore be observed only when they could be seen. The use of satellites therefore is so short that any claims of significant increase in Hurricanes getting stronger or arctic ice sheets reducing cannot really be justified. Water vapour is the main natural greenhouse gas that keeps the earths surface warm it is responsible for 98% of all warming so any rise in CO2 or methane would have a relatively small impact, and distribution of water vapour can occur in many different ways so its rise does not necessarily increase warming. In conclusion some groups of scientists are sceptical about climate change and have some very plausible arguments against it but each and every argument can be answered by the scientists who believe it is occurring, so therefore it may come down to personal opinion until a time when there is concrete evidence for or against climate change. (BBC News, 2009). As reliable data collection methods are relatively new accurate judgements are difficult to make on data over 30 years old.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Little Prince Essay -- Art Literature Papers
The Little Prince In "Art as Technique" Russian formalist Viktor Shklovsky introduces defamiliarisation as a literary device to help readers regain our sensation of things, which we have become unaware of, as our perception gets automatised through habitualisation (Shklovsky, 20). Shklovsky then goes on to engage in a discussion of the methodologies employed in creating the effect of defamiliarisation, treating defamiliarisation as purely a technique of art. However this may be an oversimplification of the concept of defamiliarisation, which is based upon certain principles of perception, and perception is in turn a central component of social cognition. Hence, it is the aim of this paper to explore the relations between the effect of defamiliarisation and the social cognitive elements of perception. Through the use of Antoine de Saint-Exupà ©ry's The Little Prince, the defamiliarisation effect can be explained by the non-conformation of its elements of discourse, namely genre, character filter, soci al setting and the use of poetic language, to the cognitive structures of prototypes, schemas and heuristics held by the adult reader. For those who are unfamiliar with the story of The Little Prince, this narrative depicts the adventures of a little prince from a distant star as he embarks on a journey to six other planets. He finds, isolated on each planet, a king with only a rat as his subject, a conceited man, a drinker, a business man who own stars, a lamplighter forever lighting and extinguishing a single street lamp, and a geographer who does not explore his own planet. Finally the little prince makes his way to Earth, where he meets a fox and learns to tame it. Upon roaming about the desert, the little prince chances upon ... ...ation, however, is that it is subjective, depending on the type of reader of the narrative, as well as the social context which the reader is socialised into. Hence, while The Little Prince is able to create a defamiliarising effect on its adult readers, it may or may not be able to defamiliarise its children readers using the same elements of discourse. Works Cited Howard, Judith A. "Social Cognition". Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology. Massachussetts: Allyn & Bacon. 1995. 90-117. Neale, Stephen. "Expectation and Verisimilitude". Excerpted from "Questions of Genre". Film Genre Reader II. Ed. Barry Keith Grant. Austin: U of Texas P. 1995. 159-183. Saint-Exupà ©ry, de Antoine. The Little Prince. London: Penguin, 1998. Shklovsky, Victor. "Art as Technique". Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader. Ed. David Lodge. Harlow: Longman, 1988. 15-30. The Little Prince Essay -- Art Literature Papers The Little Prince In "Art as Technique" Russian formalist Viktor Shklovsky introduces defamiliarisation as a literary device to help readers regain our sensation of things, which we have become unaware of, as our perception gets automatised through habitualisation (Shklovsky, 20). Shklovsky then goes on to engage in a discussion of the methodologies employed in creating the effect of defamiliarisation, treating defamiliarisation as purely a technique of art. However this may be an oversimplification of the concept of defamiliarisation, which is based upon certain principles of perception, and perception is in turn a central component of social cognition. Hence, it is the aim of this paper to explore the relations between the effect of defamiliarisation and the social cognitive elements of perception. Through the use of Antoine de Saint-Exupà ©ry's The Little Prince, the defamiliarisation effect can be explained by the non-conformation of its elements of discourse, namely genre, character filter, soci al setting and the use of poetic language, to the cognitive structures of prototypes, schemas and heuristics held by the adult reader. For those who are unfamiliar with the story of The Little Prince, this narrative depicts the adventures of a little prince from a distant star as he embarks on a journey to six other planets. He finds, isolated on each planet, a king with only a rat as his subject, a conceited man, a drinker, a business man who own stars, a lamplighter forever lighting and extinguishing a single street lamp, and a geographer who does not explore his own planet. Finally the little prince makes his way to Earth, where he meets a fox and learns to tame it. Upon roaming about the desert, the little prince chances upon ... ...ation, however, is that it is subjective, depending on the type of reader of the narrative, as well as the social context which the reader is socialised into. Hence, while The Little Prince is able to create a defamiliarising effect on its adult readers, it may or may not be able to defamiliarise its children readers using the same elements of discourse. Works Cited Howard, Judith A. "Social Cognition". Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology. Massachussetts: Allyn & Bacon. 1995. 90-117. Neale, Stephen. "Expectation and Verisimilitude". Excerpted from "Questions of Genre". Film Genre Reader II. Ed. Barry Keith Grant. Austin: U of Texas P. 1995. 159-183. Saint-Exupà ©ry, de Antoine. The Little Prince. London: Penguin, 1998. Shklovsky, Victor. "Art as Technique". Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader. Ed. David Lodge. Harlow: Longman, 1988. 15-30.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Goals: Goal and Prestigious Law Firm Essay
Every person, no matter their race, gender, or language that they speak, have huge goals that they want to accomplish in life. We spend our lives either receiving a college degree or performing on world tours in the pursuit of happiness and success. In the end, it’s not all about the long term goals but the steps to get me there. My long term goals are to travel, graduate with a master’s degree in Business, and make partner at a prestigious law firm. The ultimate long term goal is to travel to Paris and Antarctica. Paris has always been number one on my bucket list of things to do before I die. Visiting the Penguins in Antarctica is closely behind Paris though. My intermediate personal goal is to get a passport and the expensive tickets that will help me get there. In other words, for my short term personal goal I will be sure to find a job that will help me save the money I need to go on this trip. However, an obstacle could be that when I am doing the process of getting my passport I might be missing papers, or it will take time to get them. The possible solutions are that I go and get all of my paperwork that I might be missing or that I pay the fee that they request in the case it takes too long to receive it. Without education there’s limited ways to achieve success. My long term goal is receiving my master’s degree in Business is my long term academic goal. Furthermore, my intermediate goal is to graduate from Valencia. Education is really important to me and graduating will also point me in the right direction of working towards my career goals. My short-term academic goal is to finish this semester with A’s in all of my courses. Procrastination could be a huge obstacle that I will definitely have to work on. Planning ahead and maintaining my free time is two possible solutions to this problem. To make partner at a prestigious law firm is my long term career goal. I’ve wanted to become a lawyer since I could start to think for myself. My intermediate career goal is to get my security license. This is not a short term goal because it may take up to seven months or longer to acquire. This job would be great because I’ll be getting paid to keep the peace and protect innocent civilians. At the moment, I am employed by Barnes and Noble on the UCF campus. This is a good job but my short term career goal is to find a job that pays better than this job. A larger income would assist greatly with my living and educational expenses. In conclusion, all of my goals, either short term or long term, have an equal effect on my life. This paper has helped me put my goals in order. Before I wrote this essay, I had no clue about what I wanted to do in the future. Now, I have more of an idea of where I want to go in life and the small steps to get to the very much wanted long term goal: Happiness.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Aircraft Carriers Essay
Aircraft Carriers became an essential part of Military History. They act as a mobile Sea base for Aircrafts to maintain a powerful Military wherever possible. Presence, influence, and options. These are three words that can describe and define a United States Naval Aircraft Carrier. They are floating cities with crews of thousands. They are the key player of any military strategy, they provide what has become the key to every battle fought since World War I. They present a presence in a region that is an automatic display of strength that no potential enemy can ignore. A 15-carrier force is required today to provide a full-time presence in three key regions where the Department of Defense considers a naval presence to be important: the Mediterranean, the Western Pacific and the Indian Ocean/Persian Gulf. The primary mission of an Aircraft Carrier is to deploy and to recover aircrafts. Aircraft Carriers were the essential role in making the United Navy the strongest in the world. The Aircraft Carrier has had issues of controversy from early on and this is due to budgeting. So the Aircraft Carrier is a huge importance in the military alone, besides from the United States Navy. Updates, additions and improvements are always being made. I would like to explore these questions and others from the history of the Aircraft Carriers to what the future hold for this billion-dollar ship. The history of the aircraft carrier began on Jul. 11, 1919 the Naval Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 1920 provided for the conversion of the collier Jupiter into a ship specifically designed to launch and recover airplanes at sea  an aircraft carrier  later to be named Langley. The engineering plans for this conversion were modified in November and included catapults to be fitted on both the forward and after ends of the â€Å"flying-off†deck. Mar. 20, 1922 – USS Langley (CV 1), converted from the collier USS Jupiter (AC 3), was placed in commission at Norfolk, Va., as the Navy’s first aircraft carrier. The ship’s executive officer, Cmdr. Kenneth Whiting, was in command. Apr. 1, 1922 – The specifications of arresting gear of the type later installed in early aircraft carriers were sent to various design engineers. â€Å"The arresting gear will consist of two or more transverse wires stretched across the fore and aft wires †¦ [and which] lead around sheaves placed outboard to hydraulic brakes. The plane, after engaging the transverse wire, is guided down the deck by the fore and aft wires and is brought to rest by the action of the transverse wire working with the hydraulic brake.†Jul. 1, 1922 – Congress authorized the conversion of the unfinished battle cruisers Lexington and Saratoga as aircraft carriers and as permitted under the terms of the Washington Treaty. Nov. 16, 1927 – USS Saratoga (CV 3) commissioned at Camden, N.J., Capt. Harry E. Yarnell, commanding. Dec. 14, 1927 – USS Lexington (CV 2) commissioned at Quincy, Mass., Capt. Albert W. Marshall, commanding. Jan. 11, 1928 – The first take off and landing aboard on the USS Saratoga (CV 3) was made by the ship’s Air Officer Cmdr. Marc A. Mitscher in a UO-1.Jan. 23-27, 1929 – The carriers Lexington and Saratoga took part in fleet exercises, attached to opposing forces. Saratoga was detached from the main force, and with an escorting cruiser, was sent on a wide southward sweep before turning north to approach within striking distance of her target, the Panama Canal. On the morning of the 26th, while it was still dark, she launched a strike group of 69 aircraft which arrived over the target undetected shortly after dawn and completed the theoretical destruction of the Miraflores and Pedro Miguel locks without opposition. This demonstration made a profound impression on naval tacticians. Apr. 9, 1929 – Operations aboard Langley and Saratoga confirmed that the fore-and-aft wires of the arresting gear were not needed. The Secretary of the Navy authorized their removal in September. All carrier aircraft, based on these tests, were equipped with brakes and wheel type tailskids. During the 1930 – USS Lexington (CV 2) completed a 30-day period in which she furnished electricity to the city of Tacoma, Wash., in an emergency arising from a failure of the city’s power supply. The electricity from the carrier totaled more than 4.25 million kilowatt-hours. Sept. 26, 1931 – The keel for USS Ranger (CV 4), the first ship of the U.S. Navy to be designed and constructed as an aircraft carrier, was laid at the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry-dock Company in Newport News, VA. The ship was launched on 25 Feb. 1933, and commissioned 4 Jun. 1934 at the Norfolk Navy Yard, Capt. Arthur L. Bristol, commanding. Nov. 1, 1934 – The Naval Aircraft Factory was authorized to manufacture and test a flush-deck hydraulic catapult, Type H Mark I. This catapult was designed to launch land planes from aircraft carriers and was the Navy’s initial development of a hydraulic catapult, a type which was to be the primary means of launching land planes from carriers. Apr. 21, 1937 – Following a four-month conversion period, the Navy’s first carrier USS Langley was converted to a seaplane tender and reclassified as AV-3. Sept. 30, 1937 – USS Yorktown (CV 5) was placed in commission at the Norfolk Naval Operating Base Norfolk, Va., with Capt. Ernest D. McWhorter in command. The ship’s keel was laid on 21 May 1934 and it was launched on 4 April 1936. May 12, 1938 – USS Enterprise (CV 6) was placed in commission at the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry-dock Company, Newport News, Va., Capt. N. H. White commanding. The ship was launched 3 Oct. 1936. Jun. 11-13, 1939 – USS Saratoga (CV 3) and the tanker USS Kanawha (AO 1) conducted underway-refueling tests off the coast of southern California, demonstrating the feasibility of refueling carriers at sea. Apr. 25, 1940 – USS Wasp (CV 7) was placed in commission at the Army Quartermaster Base, Boston, Mass., Capt. John W. Reeves, Jr., commanding. The ship’s keel was laid 1 Apr. 1936, at Quincy, Mass., by the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Co., and the ship was launched 4 Apr. 1939. Jun. 2, 1941 – USS Long Island (AVG 1), the Navy’s first escort carrier, commissioned at Newport News, Va., Cmdr. Donald B. Duncan in command. The ship was originally built as Mormacmail, a cargo ship, by Sun Shipbuilding and Dry-dock Company, Chester, Pa., and converted in 67 days to a flush-deck carrier. She was reclassified as CVE-1 on 15 Jul. 1943. Oct. 20, 1941 – USS Hornet (CV 8) was placed in commission in Norfolk, Va., Capt. Marc A. Mitscher in command. The ship was launched 14 Dec. 1940 at the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry-dock Company. Dec. 7, 1941 – Carrier aircraft of the Japanese Imperial Navy launched a devastating attack on Pearl Harbor and on the military and air installations in the area. The three aircraft carriers of the Pacific Fleet were not present. USS Saratoga (CV 3), just out of overhaul, was moored at San Diego. USS Lexington (CV 2) was at sea about 425 miles southeast of Midway toward which she was headed to deliver a Marine Scout Bombing Squadron. USS Enterprise (CV 6) was also at sea, about 200 miles west of Pearl Harbor, returning from Wake Island where she had delivered a Marine Fighter Squadron. These were some of the early experiences of Aircraft Carriers and we could determine how to divide carriers up from their makeup and function. U.S. aircraft carriers were named traditionally for older American warships and battles except for the first carrier the Langley, which was named after aviation pioneer Samuel P. Langley. Your first class of Aircraft Carriers began with the Essex class. These were 24 ships of World War II and these carriers were the backbone of the US carrier strength from 1943 through the Korean War. They operated alongside the larger Midway and Forrestal class ships through the Cold War and the Vietnam War. The Lexington was the last active ship, serving as a trained carrier until decommissioned in November 1991. After World War II, carriers were being modified to being designated as the Hancock class carriers. The Antietam was the first carrier in the US modified to an angled-deck configuration. Out of 32 ships 24 were completed during 1940 -1942. They were all originally designed to be CV and then later changed to CVA in 1952. Your list of carriers in the Essex’s class were from (CV 9) – (CV 40); Essex (CV 9), Yorktown (CV 10), Intrepid (CV 11), Hornet (CV 12), Franklin (CV13), Ticonderoga (CV 14), Randolph (CV 15), Lexington (CV 16), Bunker Hill (CV 17), and the Wasp (CV 18). (CV 40) Hancock (CV 19), Bennington (CV 20), Boxer (CV 21). List of light carriers that was from (CVL 22) – (CVL 30 Independence – class light carriers (CVL 22) – (CVL 30) and then continue back to your Essex class from (CV 31) – (CV 40); Bon Homme Richard (CV 31), Leyte (CV 32), Kearsarge (CV 33), Oriskany (CV 34), Reprisal (CV 35), Antietam (CV 36), Princeton (CV 37), Shangri-La (CV 38), Lake Champlain (CV 39) and Tarawa (CV 40). The next class of carriers was the Midway class large carriers (CVB 41) – (CVB44), and (CVB 56-57). The Midway (CV 41) was the last World War II era warship in commission in the Navy. She was decommissioned in 1992. The Midways were the largest warships designed by the US Navy during World War II. They were larger than the Essex class. They had a larger aircraft capacity and heavier gun battery and they were the first US carriers with an armored flight deck. Each ship was built had two haudralic catapults and aircraft capacity of 137. They were the first US warships constructed with a beam too great to permit passage through the Panama Canal. The Midway hangar deck is 692 feet long, 85 feet wide and 17  ½ feet high. Her flight deck is canted 13 degrees to port and is 682 feet long. The Midway carried Carrier Air Wing which operated three F/A Hornet squadrons, two A-6E Intruder Squadrons and an SH-3H Sea King squadron and plus combat support aircraft. Six Ships of this class were authorized in 1942- 1945: CVB 41-44, 56 and 57. The CVB 44 was cancelled on 1 Nov. 1943; the CVB 56 and CV 57 were cancelled on 28 March 1945. None had been laid down. The Roosevelt (CVB 42) was commissioned in 1945 and remained active her entire career. The Coral Sea (CVB 43) was commissioned in 1947 and pretty much active until decommissioned in 1990. Your next class was the Ticonderoga class the Valley Forge (CV-45). The Iwo Jima (CV 46) was cancelled in 1945. Then back to the Essex class Philippine Sea (CV 47) and (CV 50-55) were also Essex class were cancelled in 1945. Saipan class light carriers (CVL 48-49); Saipan (CVL 48) and the Wright (CVL 49). Then picking up after your Midway large class carriers was the United States heavy carriers. There were fours ships of this class and they were intended to primarily operate nuclear strike aircraft and the lead ship, the United States (CVA 58), was authorized in 1948 but canceled in 1949. Even though she was never completed she served as a design to the Forrestal and large US aircraft carriers. The United States design provided for a flush-deck configuration that could launch two heavy attack aircraft and two fighters from a pair of forward catapults and a pair of waist catapults simultaneously. Your next class was the Forrestal and modified Forrestal classes (CV 59-64), and (CV 66-67). Forrestal (CV 59), Saratoga (CV 60), Ranger (CV 61), Independence (CV 62), Kitty Hawk (CV 63), and the Constellation (CV 64). Modified Forrestal class America (CV 66) and the John F. Kennedy (CV 67). The Forrestal class was the world’s first aircraft carrier design to be constructed from the keel up after World War II. The ships were intended to operate heavy and high-performance turbojet attack aircraft. Four ships originally were to be completed from 1955 -1959. The classification taken from the Independence was that this class of ship was built as an attack aircraft carrier, and then changed to a multi-mission aircraft when modified to operate S-3A Viking ASW aircraft and SH-3 Sea King ASW helicopters. The Forrestal was modified during construction to incorporate the British developed angled flight deck. The hangar deck is 740 feet, 101 wide and 25 feet high. These were the last aircraft carriers built with a minor gun armament. The USS Enterprise (CV 65) was the world’s second nuclear-propelled surface warship, and at the time of construction she was the world’s largest and most expensive. The estimated cost was 444 million dollars. The Enterprise is classified as an attack aircraft carrier and was later changed to a multi-mission carrier. She was built to modify the Kitty Hawk but in her original configuration she had an island structure because of the arrangement of radar antennas. Her hangar deck is 860 feet long, 107 feet wide and 25 feet high. The Enterprise was involved in the Pacific Fleet in 1965 which she conducted air strikes over North Vietnam in November. That made her the first nuclear ship to enter combat. The next class of aircraft carriers is the Nimitz class from (CV 68-77). Nimitz (CV 68), Eisenhower (CV 69), Vinson (CV 70), Roosevelt (CV 71), Lincoln (CV 72), Washington (CV 73), Stennis (CV 74), Truman (CV 75), Reagan (CV 76) and George H. Bush (CV 77). These are the largest warships ever built. A program to construct the first three CVNs of this class was approved by Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara during the Vietnam War as replacements for the three Midway class carriers to provide a force of 12 large carriers. The Nimitz and the Eisenhower were to ordered as attack carriers and then changed to multi-mission aircraft carriers in 1975. These ships are similar to the Kitty Hawk class in regards to the flight deck. The hangar deck is 684 feet long, 108 feet wide and 26  ½ feet high. This class has been in production longer than any other carrier design in history. These were also the first aircraft carrier combatant ships to have women assigned to them. The Eisenhower was the first to deploy with women in 1994 with 367 women aboard for a six-month deployment. All of these ships are still active in the fleet. A future aircraft carrier as of right now is The Gerald R. Ford class is the future aircraft carrier replacement class for USS Enterprise and CVN 68, or Nimitz class aircraft carriers. Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) and the John F. Kennedy (CVN 70) was ordered from Newport News Shipbuilding on Sept. 10, 2008, and is scheduled to be delivered in 2015. The Gerald R. Ford class will be the premier forward asset for crisis response and early decisive striking power in a major combat operation. Gerald R. Ford class aircraft carriers and carrier strike groups will provide the core capabilities of forward presence, deterrence, sea control, power projection, maritime security and humanitarian assistance. The structure of the future aircraft carriers as of right now is to consist of the Nimitz class flight deck. But the deck has been re-arranged to increase sortie rates and improve weapons movement. In order for this to happen the island has been designed differently and there is to be three instead of four aircraft lifts. Other features include electromagnetic aircraft launching system, new integrated warfare system and an advanced nuclear power plant. The electrical generating capacity is to be at least 2  ½ times that of the Nimitz class to support new fighting technologies such as energy weapons and also to support high communications. With discussing the future carriers many have suggested going away from the highly expensive and vulnerable super carriers toward smaller, light carriers. The new super carrier is going to expensive to maintain with the high sortie technology and electromagnetic aircraft launch system. This is an idea for future aircraft carriers because of budgeting and vulnerability. Aircraft carriers will remain the cornerstone of the United States Navy regardless of their change. Aircraft carriers and their embarked air wings are the most important weapons systems in the Navy. These large ships never operate alone but as core of a carrier battle group that consists of cruisers, destroyers, frigates and submarines, which safeguard the carrier. At its most basic level, an aircraft carrier is simply a ship outfitted with a flight deck and a runway area for launching and landing airplanes. This concept dates back almost as far as airplanes themselves. The new carriers allowed military forces to transport short-range aircrafts all over the world. Today super aircraft carriers are a crucial part of almost all major U.S. military operations. While the ship itself isn’t especially useful as a weapon, the air power it transports can make the difference between victory and defeat. One of the major obstacles of using air power in war is getting the planes to their destination. To maintain an air base in a foreign region, the United States has to make special arrangements with a host country, and then has to abide by that country’s rules, which may change over time. No matter if aircraft carriers change for technology or for budgeting they will remain. They carry a huge punch and presence wherever they go. Their range, power and weaponry create a powerful image to the enemy that cannot be ignored. Without the creation of the aircraft carrier in the United States Navy we would not be the most powerful Naval force in the World today. We have seen over time from the very beginning aircraft carrier, the evolving technology, design and configuration change. But the main purpose for the aircraft carrier is being able to deploy aircrafts at anytime and to maintain the aircrafts. Each aircraft carrier is a self-sustained floating airport that’s sovereign U.S. territory. When deployed, they operate with their own ZIP code, post office, hospital, dental clinic, barbershops, athletic facilities and chapels. More than 18,000 meals are prepared daily and each of the crew has e-mail access. That is why they are seen, as a floating city and it is essential to maintain their protection. The carrier’s mobility allows them to be deployed wherever needed to support ongoing or sudden conflicts. The ships are routinely sent to international waters, and the air wing teams that travel with each carrier are available to perform a variety of missions ranging from surveillance to strikes. So again aircraft carriers will remain an essential value to the United States military. Throughout military history they have played a major role especially since World War I and causing major conflictions on the enemy. So we will continue to enhance our technology to aircraft carriers and the air wings to remain the strongest in the world. We will do so to maintain air superiority and superiority of the United States. Regardless of controversy or budgeting the United States will continue to make aircraft carriers or make modifications to existing aircraft carriers in the fleet. The United States Navy has shown it power and force through aircraft carriers. The ability to execute at anytime or anywhere with it powerful mobilization of aircrafts. But behind the aircraft carrier is the crew who operates it and maintain. Thank you United States Navy! Works Cited Morris, James. Readings in American Military History. Pearson, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-182516-1 Millett, Allan, and Peter Maslowski. For the Common Defense: A Military History of the United States. 2nd Edition: Free Press, ISBN-13: 978-0- 02-921597-5. Chambers, John W., and G. Kurt Piehler. Major Problems in American Military History. Houghton Mifflin, ISBN-13: 978-0-669-33538-5. Rampolla, Mary Lynn. A Pocket Guide to Writing in History. 6th Edition. Bedford/ St. Martin’s, ISBN-13: 978-0-312-53503-2. Polmar, Norman. The Naval Institute Guide to the Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet. 6th Edition. United States Naval Institute, Annapolis, Maryland. ISBN: 1-55750-686-8 Clancy, Tom. Carrier A guided tour of an Aircraft Carrier. Berkley publishing group, ISBN: 0-425-16682-1 Sanders, Stephen. Jane’s Fighting Ships 2011-2012. 114th edition. United States Naval Institute, Annapolis Maryland. ISBN: 978-0710629593
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
List of All Elements Considered to Be Metals
List of All Elements Considered to Be Metals Most elements are metals. This group includes the alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, basic metals, lanthanides (rare earth elements), and actinides. Although separate on the periodic table, the lanthanides and actinides are really specific types of transition metals. Heres a list of all the elements on the periodic table that are metals. Alkali Metals The alkali metals are in group IA on the far left side of the periodic table. They are highly reactive elements, distinctive because of their 1 oxidation state and generally low density compared with other metals. Because they are so reactive, these elements are found in compounds. Only hydrogen is found free in nature as a pure element, and that is as diatomic hydrogen gas. Hydrogen in its metallic state (usually considered a nonmetal)​LithiumSodiumPotassiumRubidiumCesiumFrancium Alkaline Earth Metals The alkaline earth metals are found in group IIA of the periodic table, which is the second column of elements. All of the alkaline earth metal atoms have a 2 oxidation state. Like the alkali metals, these elements are found in compounds rather than pure form. The alkaline earths are reactive but less so than the alkali metals. Group IIA metals are hard and shiny and usually malleable and ductile. BerylliumMagnesiumCalciumStrontiumBariumRadium Basic Metals The basic metals display the characteristics people generally associate with the term metal. They conduct heat and electricity, have a metallic luster, and tend to be dense, malleable, and ductile. However, these elements start to display some nonmetallic characteristics. For example, one allotrope of tin behaves more as a nonmetal. While most metals are hard, lead and gallium are examples of elements that are soft. These elements tend to have lower melting and boiling points than the transition metals (with some exceptions). AluminumGalliumIndiumTinThalliumLeadBismuthNihonium: probably a basic metalFlerovium: probably a basic metalMoscovium: probably a basic metalLivermorium: probably a basic metalTennessine: in the halogen group but may behave more like a metalloid or metal Transition Metals The transition metals are characterized by having partially filled d or f electron subshells. Since the shell is incompletely filled, these elements display multiple oxidation states and often produce colored complexes. Some transition metals occur in pure or native form, such as gold, copper, and silver. The lanthanides and actinides are found only in compounds in nature. ScandiumTitaniumVanadiumChromiumManganeseIronCobaltNickelCopperZincYttriumZirconiumNiobiumMolybdenumTechnetiumRutheniumRhodiumPalladiumSilverCadmiumLanthanumHafniumTantalumTungstenRheniumOsmiumIridiumPlatinumGoldMercuryActiniumRutherfordiumDubniumSeaborgiumBohriumHassiumMeitneriumDarmstadtiumRoentgeniumCoperniciumCeriumPraseodymiumNeodymiumPromethiumSamariumEuropiumGadoliniumTerbiumDysprosiumHolmiumErbiumThuliumYtterbiumLutetiumThoriumProtactiniumUraniumNeptuniumPlutoniumAmericiumCuriumBerkeliumCaliforniumEinsteiniumFermiumMendeleviumNobeliumLawrencium More About Metals In general, metals are located on the left-hand side of the periodic table, decreasing in metallic character moving up and to the right. Depending on conditions, elements belonging to the metalloid group may behave like metals. In addition, even nonmetals may be metals. For example, in certain situations, you may find metallic oxygen or metallic carbon.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Treadway Tire Case Essays
Treadway Tire Case Essays Treadway Tire Case Paper Treadway Tire Case Paper Treadway Tire Case BY rocker0815 6N212: Management in Organizations Case: The Treadway Tire Company: Job Dissatisfaction and High Turnover at the Lima Tire Plant Harvard Brief Case: # 2190 Oune, 2008) Case Analysis Questions: 1 . Briefly describe the situation today at the Lima Tire plant. Treadway Tires plant in Lima, Ohio must confront strong Job dissatisfaction and high turnover among its line foremen. The foremen are caught in the middle of an adversarial relationship between the union and management, and they must cope with the needs and interests of both. They also perceive limited opportunity for areer advancement. Solving the problem requires rethinking the philosophy that guides workforce management and changing the Treadway culture that has grown up around that philosophy. Facing mounting pressure to reduce costs and increase productivity, director of human resources Ashley Wall must work quickly to analyze the root causes of the problem and provide an action plan to reduce turnover of the line foreman segment 2. What is the relationship between line foremen at Treadways Lima Plant and other groups within the plant: general supervisors and area managers, top management, he union, hourly workers, each other? Why do you believe the relationships are as they are? 3. How do you feel line foreman feel about their Jobs and why? Be specific about their sources of dissatisfaction. How engaged are the line foreman? How would they respond to Gallups 12 Questions of a Strong Workplace? Expand on your position. 4. What are the consequences of those feelings? What is the ripple effect of having disengaged line foreman? 5. What are the costs of turnover within the Lima plant? Direct? Indirect? How would you calculate the cost of turnover if you were Ashley Wall making a presentation to top management? (Hint: Look at number of hours worked per month, salary plus benefits, and how long it takes to come up to speed in the role) What is the magnitude of the turnover problem? Here is a formula for calculating the direct cost of turnover: Average Hours Worked/Month x Wage/Hour (including benefits) x Number of Months for Learning Curve x Productivity during Learning Curve x Number of Positions Turned Over = Direct Cost of Turnover 6. Discuss the elements of the current work system that are contributing to the problem. How does each negatively impact engagement and Job satisfaction? Out of a total of 50 foremen at the Lima facility, 23 of these positions have turn over. and resolve a variety of personnel, resources, and administrative issues in a 12-hour shift. On top of this, line for felt often pulled in different, often conflicting directions by management, the workers, and the union. Meeting performance goals is the most important duty of the line foreman. Every day a break out report of the previous days actual performance vs. orecast was circulated to all line foremen, general upervisor, area managers, and the plant operating committee. The report detailed such metrics as labor hours per unit, units completed, and units rejected owing to quality issues. If the results fell below forecasted levels, the foreman was subject to a severe tongue lashing and usually threatened with poor performance review. Responsibilities A foremans top priority was to start the tire production line each work day a nd ensure that no technical issues would stop production during the shift. Due o the Strenuous nature of long shifts, the scheduled hourly workers often came ate to work or called in sick, causing foremen to scramble for last minute substitute workers and assign them spontaneously to appropriate task. Morale No Matter what happens, were expected to meet or exceed targets, which get higher every year. Feel powerless to discipline the employee due to the union. They dont feel like they have authority, but yet they have all the responsibility. Hiring process-ok Training-Foreman did not receive formal training. The company did not want to invest in the training. Goals As long as you meet targets without aggravating the union or management too much, oure fine. Promotion Line foremen Just dont see any way to move up at Lima. No room for advancement. Survey The company did not offer clear opportunities for advancement Conclusion Morale and productivity were imperiled. The plant was not satisfactorily developing new managers. Relations between management and the union were threatened. Management is sensitive to employee problems. Did not feel prepared to accomplish duties Immediate supervisor is not a positive role model. Tone at the top Training 7. What action plan should Ashley Wall recommend? Be specific in describing your ecommended actions. 8. What key lessons will you take away from this case relative to building an engaged work culture and being an effective manager? Discuss the elements of the current work system that are contributing to the problem. How does each negatively impact engagement and Job satisfaction? In this case, there are many elements of the current work system that are contributing to the problem. The problem can be attributed to the inefficient training system in place, which resulted in undertrained foreman. The current training process was a sink or swim mentality forced upon the foreman. Due to the lack of proper training, the line foreman did not have the proper tools to do the Job right or run things properly. This lack of training has lead to a low Job satisfaction and low employee engagement among foremen. Another element contributing to the problem was the constant pressure from managers to meet or exceed targets no matter what happened in the factory. The foremen were under constant pressure and Judged on a daily basis on their production results. The bosses often threatened the foreman to get results. This type of leadership style caused tension between the supervisors and the foreman. The constant pressures on targets lead toa high stress environment, low employee morale, and low Job satisfaction among foremen. Foremen were also faced with long shifts and very substantial workload. These long work hours increase the stress and fatigue on foremen, which will lead to a less productive employee. Even if foremen are able to handle the long shifts and substantial workload, they are face with few opportunities to move up within the company. The long shifts, substantial work load, and the lack of opportunities have lead to low employee engagement, higher stress, and low Job satisfaction. What action plan should Ashley Wall recommend? Be specific in describing your recommended actions. Ashley should recommend a training program for new and current foremen that will prepare them on how to effectively do their Job adequately. This would be a good long term investment for the company. This training program would enable these foremen to have better experience and results in the workplace. Providing appropriate training and information will make employees feel more valuable and will result in better Job satisfaction. The company should have hiring process to promote from internal candidates. This process accompanied with the appropriate training and employee development will lead to employee retention. These steps will show the foreman that the company is loyal to qualified employees. satisfaction. The company should put less pressure on the foremen for immediate result on things that are outside their control, for example sick employee. The results should be adjusted based on the head count for that particular day. Introduce a productivity measure per employee, not per department. Ashley should also propose shorter shifts. Shorter shifts would improve the productivity of the plant. The longer the shifts lead to less productive employees at the end of a long shift. The current length of time for each shift could be reduced so that it causes less stress on the individuals and help with work life balance. People can work strong for a time, but once they reach fatigue, they begin to make more mistakes and theyre more irritable. The shorter shift will increase employee morale and Job satisfaction. 8. Empower your employees, treat them with respect, and be someone your employees would follow, Train. Empower your employees, treat them with respect, and be someone your employees would follow.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Ranking and Social Inequality
Ranking and Social Inequality Ranking is a characteristic of complex societies in which different persons within a society have different quantities or qualities of power, rights and responsibilities. As societies grow in complexity, different tasks are assigned to specific people, called craft specialization. Sometimes specialization leads to status changes. The study of ranking and social inequality in archaeology is based on the anthropological and economic studies of Elman Service (Primitive Social Organization, 1962) and Morton Fried (Evolution of Political Societies, 1967). Service and Fried argued that there are two ways in which ranking of people in a society is arrived at: achieved and ascribed status. Achieved status results from being a warrior, artisan, shaman, or other useful profession or talent. and ascribed status (inherited from a parent or other relative). Ascribed status is based on kinship, which as a form of social organization ties the status of an individual within a group to descent, such as dynastic kings or hereditary rulers. Ranking and Archaeology In egalitarian societies, goods and services are spread relatively evenly among the population. High-ranking individuals in a community can be identified archaeologically by studying human burials, where differences in grave contents, the health of an individual or his or her diet can be examined. Ranking can also be established by the difference sizes of houses, the locations within a community, or the distribution of luxury or status items within a community. Sources for Ranking This glossary entry is a part of the About.com Guide to the Characteristics of Ancient Civilizations, and part of the Dictionary of Archaeology. A fairly brief bibliography of ranking and social stratification has been collected for this entry.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Project Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Project Leadership - Essay Example and implementation of the new training management system, as well as monitor company-wide training attendance and identify people who are â€Å"out of compliance.†Besides, I also predict the resistance that I may face from departments, such as manufacturing, who will be required to use tools they have never used or refused to use before. I am confident on my abilities that I will be able to overcome their resistance through a systematic approach. I know that the resistance is basically because as of now they were exposed to instructor-led training, and they often have shunned implementation of any web-based system. They also have a fear that their responsibilities as Department managers’ will increase. They will be required to learn how to use the system to assign courses to their direct reports and monitor the timely completion of the courses. Though my responsibilities during the initial stages will be challenging I am confident on my abilities and my strengths to overcome these situation. With my current experience as a Manager of the Information Technology department and also my previous experiences I am sure to rise up to your expectations. As a manager the following will be my roles. I will be solely responsible for this project and its successful completion. I will be working in close association with my associates and ensure that adequate resources are applied. I will also have the responsibility to utilize the resources in a most efficient manner and complete the project successfully on time. I will also take this opportunity to plan and tailor methodology to reflect the project needs. Besides I will also be responsible for regular reviews of project status, set standards for training, monitor progress, and also maintain records up-to-date. The most important qualities required by a manager are interpersonal skills, organizational skills, good communication, efficient problem solving skills and professional training. I am confident that with my
Friday, October 18, 2019
Audience Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Audience Analysis Paper - Essay Example New initiatives will be of less importance to them as long as the company is delivering decent results. They do not understand lot of technical data and things must be simplified for their understanding. 2) Sales and Marketing people: These would be a group of individuals who are motivated by higher sales figures. They are the ones who understand the different ratios which are used to determine the solvency, stability, capital adequacy of the company. One can use complex financial and accounting terms easily and assume that this group will understand it. 3) Customers: This group is one of the most naive in terms of technicalities of business or any financial know-how. They are more concerned with the product or service which the company provides and whether in future will it continue to deliver the same? Then don’t need to understand the ratios but will be interested in if company is increasing its sales by selling more to existing customers, or selling to more number of custo mers. They understand the business, but are not savvy enough to understand the balance sheet and quarterly figures. What communication channels are appropriate? Since this is a formal meeting, there is a limitation to using audio or video communication channel. It is difficult to convey financial data by use of an AV. But a presentation can be made which is friendly to both financial savvy and non savvy people. A presentation will help people get a visual perspective of the financial standing of the company. Footnotes at the bottom of each slide may include a note on explaining the technical part. This will help the customers or stakeholders who are not financially sound to understand the presentation better. Jargons like solvency ratio, PE ratio and Capital can be explain in crisp and plain language at bottom of each slide to ensure the message goes across the board equally. While the power point slide show is on, I will also need to take care of speaking relevant things as per the slide show. I would prefer not to speak what is already there on the slide, but to just add small explanations to why and how aspect. I shall also throw some light as to how those figures were derived so that everyone is at same level. Last but not the least; I would have a more discussion based approach than a monologue. This will ensure full participation by the attendees and their full attention to what is being presented. What are some considerations to keep in mind given the diversity of audience? Every individual come from a different background and hence they do not understand sales figures and financial information equally Expectation of each group of individual is different from the quarterly sales figure presentation. Customers will expect to see more sales and new initiatives, investors will seek better financial ratios and sales force will look for more profitability for better bonus Use of financial jargons should be judicially used as everyone might not understand the m To maintain the interest of such a varied group, creativity in presenting will help maintain the much needed interest of the audience. Financial sales data presentation otherwise may become very monotonous and fail to communicate properly How do you ensure your message is effective? The following care needs to be take to ensure the effectiveness of the message Use of power point slide
Analyze how the 4 authors approached the issue of race, its history, Research Paper
Analyze how the 4 authors approached the issue of race, its history, and place within slavery - Research Paper Example The authors discussed below each represent a certain part of the African American heritage in the New World. Ira Berlin Ira Berlin in his essay â€Å"From Creole to African: Atlantic Creoles and the Origins of African-American Society in Mainland North America†discussed that not all slaves transported to the New World were not pure Africans. Instead there were a lot of people who were between Africans and European and were known better as Creole. The origination of the term Creole in early America is also traced and is indicated as an integral part of early America (Berlin, 21). Creoles are often overlooked by historians but they are an integral part of black immigrants in early America. Berlin supports his thesis by using evidence such as the opening story about Virginia’s Robert â€Å"King†Carter who renamed all of his slaves to prove his absolute power and ability to abuse slaves (Berlin, 19). The author focuses on how plantation slaves were handled and this is merged into the origins of the Creole people. The influence of the European traders in modifying large tracts of the populations along the Gold Coast and Elmina by interracial mixing of African and Europeans is also clearly demonstrated (Berlin, 22). Based on this change, Creoles were put in a position to assume roles that eventually made them important mediators between European traders and indigenous Africans (Berlin, 27). The movement of Creoles into the New World demonstrates that the influence of Dutch traders was significant in settling the Creoles in America through their bases in Curacao and New Amsterdam (Berlin, 30). Following this the author talks of various Atlantic Creoles who were established in Virginia who later diverged into other states present in early America (Berlin, 42). The end of the essay is used by the author to present various kinds of evidence used to augment the initial thesis. Margaret Washington Washington’s chapter â€Å"Gullah Roots†is based on a specific ethnic group of African slaves captured from several different African countries that were later known as the Gullah. The author argues that a majority of planters in America preferred a specific ethnic class of Africans who were adept at cultivating rice. These Africans were captured and enslaved from a region better known as the Gold Coast (Washington, 68). These slaves were subjected to masters who â€Å"also reinforced the Old World heritage†which means that these salves were subjected to inhumane treatment and were treated as people of lower status. These slaves are shown as being large contributors to modern African American culture. The author has used multiple primary sources such as a written source from the governor of Leeward Islands from 1701 (Washington, 68). This example as well as others supports the argument that slaves from the Gold Coast area were preferred. The records of Henry Laurens have also been used and reveal â€Å"a sense of prevailing attitudes toward African origins†in terms of slaves destined for the New World (Washington, 72). The author also uses secondary sources such as those related to the Muslim religion in order to augment aspects of the Gullah culture for example the Fulani and Mandinga Muslims who were settled in the mountainous regions of Sierra Leone (Washington, 76). These examples show that Muslims gained influence and authority and used it to enslave other
A critical theoretical and visual analysis of my experience of work Essay
A critical theoretical and visual analysis of my experience of work - Essay Example During my work experience I had faced situations where my favorite project was cancelled though I worked very hard on it, also there were times where the customers treated me badly though it was totally unfair, my best friend at work was terminated, my colleagues were being unfair towards me and also my boss use to shout at me although I was really working hard. All these things pile up and you feel like shouting at the top of your voice or probably run away from your work. At work showing your emotions especially negative emotions can seriously harm your professional reputation along with the productivity. Stressful situations are very common at workplace where we have to deal with budget cuts along with department changes. It becomes very hard to deal with your own emotions in such circumstances. There is a lot of work load along with a constant push of getting promoted and becoming more efficient. It was very important to know how to handle your emotions in such circumstances. It is important to know how to react in bad situations. It is important to always share positive emotions, both ways constructively and also professionally. It is very important to have that in a workplace.... It is important at work to avoid anxiety and worry. I made a worry log where I would write down all the worries which churn my head and then tried finding solutions to the problems. Physical relaxation plays an important role here with proper risk analysis. Anger is another important factor which is very obvious in the picture, anger management is very crucial at work in order to achieve success, we need to properly deal with unfair criticism. It is very important to be respectful towards others and also to be assertive if the other person is rude and unprofessional. Disappointment can be dealt positively by keeping a proper check at one’s mindset and to adjust the goals properly. My work experience taught me that smile is a very important and also a very crucial factor which helps in solving many problems. We all have to deal with negative emotions and we have to learn how to cope up with them as it is very important. It is crucial to know what type of feelings cause such emo tions and also how you can deal with them before they become very prominent. The other picture I have selected is depicting the importance of team work in an organization and how a good team can make work experience a very memorable one and amazing, and a bad team can sabotage the experience and also affect your performance negatively. Now there are few things which are important to analyze before going for team work that includes why the team is developed, what can make teamwork successful, group dynamics overview along with encouraging positive and productive groups. The picture is showing why the team is made and how various individuals with similar
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Pointing out the satirical elements of Douglas Adams The Hitchhiker's Essay
Pointing out the satirical elements of Douglas Adams The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy - Essay Example While the novel ostensibly takes place in the distant future, it’s clear that a number of the thematic concerns examined in the novel have contemporary relevance. In these regards, theorists and critics have argued that in large part the novel is satirical. This essay considers the novel as one of satire, arguing that through the bulldozer that threatens to demolish Arthur Dent’s house and later Earth, the crooked political Zaphod Beeblebrox, and the threat of the Vogon poetry reading, Douglas Adams satirizes social, political, and literary elements. One of the first satirical elements explored in the novel is the encroachment of development and technology on our daily lives. From the beginning of the novel reference is made to an impending bulldozer that is outside Arthur Dent’s home. The next scene in the novel finds Arthur Dent lying on the ground attempting to stop the bulldozer from demolishing his home. It’s during this time that Ford Prefect appears . He is described as being from, â€Å"somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse†(Adams, pg. 5). Ford is able to convince the bulldozer operator to lay on the ground in place of Arthur Dent, so the two men can go to the pub. While this part of the novel is ostensibly absurd and comedic, it also can be argued to have satirical connotations. In these regards, the bulldozer can be read as the encroachment of development on the sanctity of daily life. Dent becomes emblematic of a perspective that is attempting to hold onto these old world values. From another perspective, the bulldozer can also be read as the encroachment of technology on our daily lives. While during the time of the novel’s construction the internet and social networking weren’t as pervasive, this essay argues that part of the text’s lasting power is its ability to continue to appeal to a contemporary audience. In these regards, the bulldozer encroaching on Arthur’s house can be read a s a metaphor of the technological aspects of the internet and social networking encroaching on our daily lives; the rest of the novel then can be read as a sort of resistance of this technological advancement. The next satirical element concerns the nature of Zaphod Beeblebrox. Beeblebrox is the President of the Imperial Galactic Government. His appearance comes out-of-sync in the storyline and seems to have an underlining purpose. Beeblebrox is giving a fantastical description in the story. He is described as an, â€Å"adventurer, ex-hippy, good timer, manic self-publicist, who is "terribly bad at personal relationships," and "often thought to be completely out to lunch" (Adams, pg. 34). The ruler is described as existing on a deserted island and about to unearth the Heart of Gold to the universe. Heart of Gold appears to be a sort of starship government project that has within it a gold box. In reality, it’s indicated that Zaphod and the Heart of Gold have nefarious intent ions to steal the new starship. This scene is clearly complex and for the most part seems to have a comedic element that advances the narrative. Still, from another perspective it’s clear the Zaphod represents a modern day sort of politician. In these regards, one can consider his description of being on an island as the similarity of a politician being removed from the populace they are designed to help. The name of the Heart of Gold project is also indicative of the sort of social welfare and good intentioned project on might envision from politicians. The name
Why I want to go to College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Why I want to go to College - Essay Example I would like to pursue a degree in the medical field. My mother has been my inspiration and I hardly know any one who is as compassionate and loving as her. My mother used to take me along with her to the hospitals during the weekends and also in my vacations and that is when I developed the interest in the filed of medicine. I feel that my education and my future should be focused in this direction and to take up a degree in the medical field from one of the most prestigious institutions in the world, the Air Force Academy. Basically, I would like to continue the work which my mother has initiated and I am confident that if I have a graduation in medical field, I could serve the nation in a better way. I believe that my educational background and abilities would be an excellent base for my future studies in the medical field. I am aware that this university is looking for students who have good leadership abilities and I am confident that my qualifications and interests provide the skills required. I believe in my abilities and understand that the basic principle involved in this field is to make a difference in nation's security. I am confident in my leadership skills that I have acquired over the years. Besides studies and good grades in my school, I am also interested in sports.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Pointing out the satirical elements of Douglas Adams The Hitchhiker's Essay
Pointing out the satirical elements of Douglas Adams The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy - Essay Example While the novel ostensibly takes place in the distant future, it’s clear that a number of the thematic concerns examined in the novel have contemporary relevance. In these regards, theorists and critics have argued that in large part the novel is satirical. This essay considers the novel as one of satire, arguing that through the bulldozer that threatens to demolish Arthur Dent’s house and later Earth, the crooked political Zaphod Beeblebrox, and the threat of the Vogon poetry reading, Douglas Adams satirizes social, political, and literary elements. One of the first satirical elements explored in the novel is the encroachment of development and technology on our daily lives. From the beginning of the novel reference is made to an impending bulldozer that is outside Arthur Dent’s home. The next scene in the novel finds Arthur Dent lying on the ground attempting to stop the bulldozer from demolishing his home. It’s during this time that Ford Prefect appears . He is described as being from, â€Å"somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse†(Adams, pg. 5). Ford is able to convince the bulldozer operator to lay on the ground in place of Arthur Dent, so the two men can go to the pub. While this part of the novel is ostensibly absurd and comedic, it also can be argued to have satirical connotations. In these regards, the bulldozer can be read as the encroachment of development on the sanctity of daily life. Dent becomes emblematic of a perspective that is attempting to hold onto these old world values. From another perspective, the bulldozer can also be read as the encroachment of technology on our daily lives. While during the time of the novel’s construction the internet and social networking weren’t as pervasive, this essay argues that part of the text’s lasting power is its ability to continue to appeal to a contemporary audience. In these regards, the bulldozer encroaching on Arthur’s house can be read a s a metaphor of the technological aspects of the internet and social networking encroaching on our daily lives; the rest of the novel then can be read as a sort of resistance of this technological advancement. The next satirical element concerns the nature of Zaphod Beeblebrox. Beeblebrox is the President of the Imperial Galactic Government. His appearance comes out-of-sync in the storyline and seems to have an underlining purpose. Beeblebrox is giving a fantastical description in the story. He is described as an, â€Å"adventurer, ex-hippy, good timer, manic self-publicist, who is "terribly bad at personal relationships," and "often thought to be completely out to lunch" (Adams, pg. 34). The ruler is described as existing on a deserted island and about to unearth the Heart of Gold to the universe. Heart of Gold appears to be a sort of starship government project that has within it a gold box. In reality, it’s indicated that Zaphod and the Heart of Gold have nefarious intent ions to steal the new starship. This scene is clearly complex and for the most part seems to have a comedic element that advances the narrative. Still, from another perspective it’s clear the Zaphod represents a modern day sort of politician. In these regards, one can consider his description of being on an island as the similarity of a politician being removed from the populace they are designed to help. The name of the Heart of Gold project is also indicative of the sort of social welfare and good intentioned project on might envision from politicians. The name
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
3 idiots Reaction Paper Essay Example for Free
3 idiots Reaction Paper Essay Phunsuk Wangdu. This was a main character played by Aamir Khan in the movie 3 idiots, a famous Indian movie directed by Rajkumar Hirani. The story was basically about three engineering students who faced everyday life challenges together for their whole stay in college. They stayed in one room causing them to treat each other like a real family. Unfortunately, their institution was ruled by a heartless genius man who always believed in the thought that life is a race, one must compete to survive and also, he never cared about his students dying out of pressure through committing suicide. This ruler was a total perfectionist and had very high standards on everything, he wants everything to be under his control. While everyone was terrified following his authority, Phunsuk Wangdu dared to be different, well, he stayed as who he really was. His perspective in life was completely different from that of their institutions director. He was a very simple student and a total definite genius who applied the things he studied in the real world. And as the years went by, he showed that undeniably impossible things could possibly happen. His character had enlightened me so much and watching the whole movie for more than 2 hours gave me goosebumps. Putting your whole trust in God, sharing,helping and inspiring others, doing your best at all times and bringing positivity to everything things we need to survive and enjoy life. He once said that putting your trust to God wont be the solution to your problem but it will give you enough courage to face it. These are very simple lessons to keep in mind yet the most important ones to keep our life meaningful. Now i want myself to be like him in my own simple ways and prove people that happiness is the key to success. To sum it up, well have everything we need and want if we have God. And as he commonly said, ALL IS WELL.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Is Urbanisation Good Or Bad Environmental Sciences Essay
Is Urbanisation Good Or Bad Environmental Sciences Essay Urbanization is a sign of human civilization and a centre of economy, politics and social life. When more modern buildings are being setting up, more farmers are coming into citys. It also means that more green areas and forests are disappearing. There is a series of environmental problems that have arisen. But I do not know whether urbanization is an advantage or disadvantage? This is the focus of attention in recent years for some people. The opinion of this essay is that urbanization is disadvantages out weighs its advantages. We can see a newly emerging community now: where there are supermarkets, schools, banks and so on. Without doubt several years ago, it was still the countryside. People depended on grazing and farming for live. This is the history of social reform and it is also the history of urbanization. Actually, what are the benefits for us of urbanization? It is firmly believe by this writer : Firstly, deal with the income. . The income in large areas is certainiy higher than that in small areas. Intuitively, the urban income is more than that in the countryside.For example, Shanghai residents in China, generaliy speaking, have higher living standards than those in other cities. Secondly, when incrcasing numbers of people flood into cities, the cities are often becoming larger and many people move out of the downtown area into the suburbs. This trend of urban construction is beneficial to the future cities development as whole. Thirdly, it provide development opportunities for big cities. With more people coming to the cities, urban development is experiencing a new round of leaping forward. In general, urban development is important for national economy development approach. While the economy is the level for the indicator of a country, urbanization is beneficial for us (Debroy,2009). Everything has two sides; as a balance, since it has a good side there must be a bad side. Then, what areas negative impact of urbanization on? Firstiy, a large amount of non-normal cultivated land has decreased, cities are built in the plain where has good natural conditions and it is also bulit in the best agricultural areas. By planning, Chinese urbanization will involve taking the national land 3% to 6%. The ratio seems to be small but the size is not small about 300 thousand to 600 thousand square km, which is equiralent to one-third or the half in Chinese plain of the total area. In fact, due to fast the development of urbanization, enclosure style is still prevalent. With the large number of luxury plant, buildings, variousimage projectsthe large fields and large tracts of former farmland disappeared, so many people in China had little arable land and the conflicts become more prominent. Only in recent years, the net loss reached 3800 million of cultivated land, this is the reason that results in a large number of landlessness, joblessness, insecure farmers and food production and successive landslide. Second is the issue of how urbanization.Urban growth is too fast and the cities are developing even larger with excessive concentration of population moving to the city in a short time.It inevitably generates a large number of unemployment, shortage of fresh water and energy supply, traffic congestion, increased crime, environment degradation and increased risk of various crises of phenomena. Some experts say that urbanization does not necessarily have a city disease, have a disease is rooted in the guiding ideology of one-side, unreasonable industrial structure and layout,low-density expansion,approach the development of city to overcome the disease,plan to reduce urban diseaseand management and treatment the city disease. The opinion was justified, but the problem is that can we guidelines one-side in practice? Can practive in a rational science? Can management be done strictly in place? Such as this summer in Beijing, a storm almost paralyzed the city traffic and in Shanghai, a strong wind and heavy rain that serious traffic jams and large-scale blackout happened. These incident exposed the urban construction and management of our problem is not essay.(Bnden,2010) the third point is the real estatebubble. Housing in many cities are too many and built up too quickly now. It has occupied a large number of bank funds. There will be a large number of houses left vacant and leading to economic crisis if severe over supply or the price exceed capacity of the public. Experience shows that the real estate bubble caused by the economic crisis take years to be back to life. fourthly, last but the most important point, which is a the modern problem of human concern : The environmental issues. Now, regardless of what is in the newspaper or on thewebsit or on TV there will always be some reports of environmental pollution that are caused by disasters. The most prominent is the issue of urban pollution: and one topic needing attention is the outstanding water pollution. Due to rapid urban population growth and rapid development of industry, a lot of water has not been properly dealt with and is put directly into the river.This causes serious damage to the water environment. The next type of pollution is the serious deterioration of air quality. The rapid development of industry, transportation and heavy use of fossil fuels has cause a serious deterioration in air quality by dust, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon oxide, ozone and other substancese into the atmosphere. The third pollution isoue is that of rubbish, were solid waste flooded and garbage is serious siege. Human life and production have created large amount of solid waste. At presently, China produces 660 million tons of industrial solid waste every year. There are 3000 to 4000 tons of hazardous waste in it, accumulated more than 64 million tons and it is occupying more than 500 million square meters land. Annual copacity of one ton of garbage and an annual groth rate is 7% to 8%.(Wang, 2000) From the point of views mentioned above, urbanization is like a balancing glant. On the one hand it promotes socio-economic development. On the other hand rapid urbanization will lead to the environment of human existence being devastated. It needs to find an equilibriurn that balances both sides. It not only enhances the socio-economic development but also minimize environmental pollution. But, what is the balance? And how to find the right one for effective? In general, the pace of urbanization should be robust and should maximize the benefits of urban expansion. We should avoid careless and blind thoughts about the disadvantages. There are some methods such as : promoting cycling and reducing by cars. This will not only reduce vehicle exhaust emission but also conserve the thenon-renewable resources of oil. We should raise awareness of human pollution, recycle waste by classification and strengthening the management of waste emissions from industrial enterprises and forth. Overall, urbanization is disadvantages more than its advantages .The government must plan for urban growth and development. It must make policies that will enhance sustainable land use and minimize ecological degradation. Urbanization is a cross-road which governments cannot ignore.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
computers :: essays research papers
Olu Taju-Deen Jr. 12/2/04 Professor Jones Research Paper Computers are already giving people today access to large amounts of information. This is increasing our brain power, like a hot air balloon it increases our brain power. As computers become more powerful they will grow more intelligent. Some people think that someday computer and machines will be smarter than people. In 5 to 20 years there seems no reason why machines should not become more intelligent than people in the future. Scientists believe computers will start to design and build other computers. They will then be able to evolve more like life evolves. There will then be two forms of life. Many thousands of years in the future there might be competition for power between computers and life. Computers certainly have many advantages over life. They can process large amounts of information quickly. They can be switched off for years, then start to work perfectly when they are switched back on. They come in handy for traveling over long distances. Computers can even be made very small, and control tiny machines which work together in networks to find equations for big problems. The computers of the future are expected to be smaller, faster and smarter. For the past twenty years, CPU performance has doubled about every eighteen months. The storage capacities of hard drives will continue to expand, they are currently growing at a rate of about sixty percent per year. Today, Intel's Pentium II has 7.5 million transistors. If the trend continues, Intel processors should contain fifty million to one hundred million transistors in the first decade of the next century. In five years, computers will have sixteen times the memory capacity they do now. "One big challenge is the time for the processor to access the memory. Bill Gates solution is the processor might be on the same chip as memory. Every time you buy memory, you get a processor." Actual voice input will become a reality, but it may not be widely employed in offices because of privacy and environmental issues. According to Bill Gates, he predicts that within ten years, "every computer will have speech and linguistics built into it†. Instead of typing or clicking, you'll tell your PC to launch this application or print that document. At the office, your e-mail message is just as likely to be a video clip. At home it probably means that your PC takes control of the lights, temperature, and appliances.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Augusta National Golf Course :: essays research papers
Golf is the ultimate battle between man and nature. It is a beautiful sport in which dreams come true and hearts are broken. Man is challenged on every stroke by nature’s elements. Wind and rain are only a few of the conditions that affect this great game. Undulating hills, sand bunkers, thick rough, and even creeks and ponds come into play on most golf courses. These features are fierce at Augusta National Golf Course. Located along the fall line, the natural beauty of the region is the perfect complement to this championship golf course. Every spring when the flowers are in full bloom, Augusta plays host to The Masters Championship and is transformed into the Mecca of Golf.      The main reason Augusta National is the greatest American golf course comes from its natural beginnings. Originally the property the golf course stands on was Fruitland Nurseries. From 1858 until 1918 this company imported many trees and plants from around the world to decorate the landscape. Golfing legend Bobby Jones discovered this land after retiring in 1930 and chose it as the location for his dream golf course. To pay homage to the ground’s history, every hole is named for a different plant found on each hole. Robert Tyre Jones, Jr. was the greatest golfer of his time. He was only 28 when he retired from competitive golf, but had won an amazing 13 major golf championships in both the United States and Great Britain during his brief career. After retiring he redefined the art of course architecture. He would utilize the natural advantages of the property and use mounds rather than adding too many bunkers and put into play the natural creeks as water hazards. Jones wanted this concept of golf course architecture to make a contribution to the game as well as give expression to his ideas about golf design. Bobby Jones came out of retirement only to play annually in the Masters.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Analysis of an extract from ‘The Singing Lesson’
â€Å" With despair – cold, sharp despair – buried deep in her heart like a wicked knife, Miss Meadows, in cap and gown and carrying a little baton, trod the cold corridors that led to the music hall. Girls of all ages, rosy from the air, and bubbling over with that gleeful excitement that comes from running to school on a fine autumn morning, hurried, skipped, fluttered by; from the hollow class-rooms came a quick drumming of voices; a bell rang; a voice like a bird cried, â€Å"Muriel. †And then there came from the staircase a tremendous knock-knock-knocking.Someone had dropped her dumbbells. â€Å" ‘The Singing Lesson’ by Katherine Mansfield is a short story written with elements hinting at the modernist movement of the late 19th century. We are instantly informed of the solemn feel of the story with the opening words â€Å"With despair- cold, sharp despair-†which eject a sombre tone to the piece. Mansfield’s use of parenthesis b eginning and ending with the repetition of â€Å"despair†successfully captures a reader’s attention by isolating the description, highlighting its significance.The three adjectives â€Å"despair†, â€Å"cold†and â€Å"sharp†are all harsh sounding and evoke emotions of pain and suffering, telling us that the story is about something bad. The use of the verb â€Å"buried†is poignant because of its connotations of death, reiterated by the simile â€Å"†¦ deep in her heart like a wicked knife†. The imagery of the knife, cold and sharp suggests death or immense pain. We are first introduced to the main character, Miss Meadows â€Å"in cap and gown and carrying a little baton†as a strong stern woman, most likely a teacher because of the formality of the â€Å"Miss†.The image of her carrying a baton is police like and emits a strong female presence. She is described as walking with a â€Å"trod†which is animal istic and contrasts how the school girls are â€Å"bubbling over with gleeful excitement†and the way in which they move like autumn leaves. The huge contrast between the cold harsh language used to describe Mrs Meadows and the light-hearted past participles like â€Å"bubbling†, to describe the pupils highlights the different character’s personalities and shows two extremes.Mansfield has used long sentences which suggest ongoing thoughts and emotions of the character Miss Meadows surrounded by a busy hectic environment. The subordinate clauses inject lots of extra information for the reader, and the power of three â€Å"hurried, skipped, fluttered†effectively portray imagery of an autumn morning. However, the past tense of the three verbs breaks the previous present tense imagery, suggesting that the narrator is clasping onto something from her past. â€Å"Hollow†and â€Å"drumming†imply drums and have connotations of emptiness, an eleme nt of Miss Meadows personality which has possibly been affected by her past.The description of the bird links back to the imagery of the autumnal morning, and are an example of the modernistic movement about the thoughts in our subconscious. Another example of this is the last sentence â€Å"Someone had dropped her dumbbells†which is totally unrelated to anything in the first passage, but shows another thought forming in the character’s mind. It reminds us as the reader that it is a modernist piece of writing, with an abstract writing style which is more like ‘real life’.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Buisness and the Recession
How AIG was affected by U. S. recession: AIG is an insurance corporation that is multinational. They have headquarters in New York City, London, Paris, and Hong Kong. In the year 2000, the company held the title for the 29th largest company in the world. Things took a turn for the worse in this company when, in 2008, they suffered from a liquidity crisis and its credit ratings were downgraded below â€Å"AA†level. AIG had to take out a number of down loans and had to sell a number of its subsidiaries to pay them all off. Source: Johnson, Rodney. â€Å"Is AIG a Tipping Point in This Recession? Chief Marketer Home Page. 24 Mar. 2009. Web. 14 May 2012. . How Sallie Mae was affected by U. S. recession: This Company was one of the few companies in business at this time of recession that was affected in a positive way. With more and more companies failing and people losing their jobs, this gives all Americans many more reasons to want to have higher education and provide their chi ldren with higher education. With the need for more education, comes all the extra costs, and with more and more people without jobs, there is a great increase in needing loans.That is exactly what this company’s strategy was and they took full advantage of the opportunity to give student loans to students across the country hoping for a successful future. Source: â€Å"Sallie Mae. †Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Apr. 2012. Web. 14 May 2012. . How Lehman brothers was affected by U. S. recession: the Lehman brothers crisis first began when Britain’s biggest mortgage lender crashed 34 percent in early trading. Next, billions of dollars were wiped out when the FTSE fell below 4000 and it seemed to be all downhill from there.Within the next month following the Lehman Brothers crash, Bank of America took over Merrill Lynch and Mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac practically fell apart. Source: Gamm, Scott. â€Å"Three Years Ago: Lehman Brothers Collapse d. †How to Save Money, Reduce Debt and Manage Credit Cards. 15 Sept. 2011. Web. 14 May 2012. . Government action: In response to the economies recession the government took a number of actions. Programs were put in place called automatic stabilizers that would increase spending or cut taxes to whoever was impacted by the ecession, without new legislation. Actions were taken by the Federal Government in support of the housing and financial markets, increases in discretionary spending, and the passing of stimulus bills. Source: Romer, Christina D. â€Å"From Recession to Recovery: The Economic Crisis, the Policy Response, and the Challenges We Face Going Forward. †The White House. White House, 22 Oct. 2009. Web. 14 May 2012. . Do you feel any of the companies played a role in creating the current recession or their own financial hardships?Do you feel they should have been more prepared to overcome financial hardships? Why or why not? I think for the most part, companies did the best they could to avoid recession, but when it comes to creating their own financial hardships, taking out multiple loans did not help any of the companies at all. I do agree that yes, they should have been more prepared to overcome the financial hardships and have more options instead of putting themselves further into debt. Should the government get involved in â€Å"bailing out†major U.S. corporations? Why or why not? If the government can be of any help that doesn’t push themselves or the company into further damage then I don’t believe there is any reason not to. Should companies be required to pay the government back? Yes absolutely. The governments money comes from us, the citizens and it is not fair that we would have to be paying off someone’s financial burdens without the government being paid back, because then we would be having to give more money when we may have financial burdens of our own.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Crimes of the Heart Essay
I choose Babe as the character that I would make a â€Å"through-line. †She has one of the more detailed and complex background stories. They are complex, because it is not extremely evident why they are significant. However, once one deeply analyzes her character, it becomes evident why these stories about her are so important in trying to understand Babe. Babe’s ultimate goal is to understand her complex reality. Unlike the other Magrath sisters, she has been deeply pondering the reason behind her mother’s suicide. She even goes so far as to think about it before each suicide attempt told in the novel. Each time, she feels closer to her mother due to her self-discoveries. For example, she is extremely happy to learn that her mother hung the old, yellow cat not out of hatred but out of fear of loneliness in the afterlife. She is also one of the few characters that try to understand Meg’s promiscuous and crazy personality. Babe describes the after affects Meg had after finding their mother dead. According to Babe, Meg would look at pictures of people diseased or in pain in order to prove that she was not weak. This desire to appear strong translated into other areas of Meg’s life. The way Babe tries to accomplish her goal of understanding her reality is by acting like a child. Babe sees the world through a child’s lens. She asks many questions, cannot control her emotions, and does not understand social norms. One example where she cannot control her emotions is when her sister is in the room and she tries to claw out the rope from the drawer. Rather than discreetly take the rope, she feels the need to claw it out and kill herself immediately. Similar to a child, she also does not understand social norms or their consequences. While Babe is pretty and has men after her such as the young lawyer, she prefers small children. Babe cares for and has sexual relations with a small boy, Willie Jae, who is only 15 years old. It seems she feels better connected with young children, versus adults her age. Additionally, Willie is African American. During such a time, having just contact between the two could have led to significant punishment for the both of them. Rather than simply understanding her situation, she appears oblivious to it. When Willie Jae must go north for protection, she asks why. It seems she does not completely understand the way certain races are viewed in society. Her act as a child saves her in the end. Her lawyer had a fanatical obsession with his personal vendetta against Zachary; however, he gave that up for her sake. He loved and cared for Babe’s child-like and kind personality. Babe has probably used her perceived child-like innocence before. As she tries to understand the world, her child-like characteristics both help her and are a detriment to her. Through-line: -Dad abandons her and her sisters Mother hangs herself in the cellar along with the old, yellow cat. Mother ends up on the national news -Grandfather calls her dancing sugarplum. -Marries Zachary while drunk. Grandfather believes she will become the top of society. -Is physically abused by her husband and pushed around by her sister-in-law, Lucille -Gets a dog called Dog from Willie Jae, 15 year-old African American boy. She has sexual intercourse in the garbage several times -Zachary comes home early and hits Willie Jae. Babe is suicidal, but instead tries to kill Zachary. Makes lemonade and then calls an ambulance.
Catholic Pro-Life Declaration of Rights for Unborn Babies Essay
Catholic Pro-Life Declaration of Rights for Unborn Babies - Essay Example It cannot be violated and denied by reason nor expediency nor whatever device that man can invent to tresspass life; as the creation was made for life to blossom, so should it remain for as long as the Grace of the Lord permitteth. That when man in its folly tresspasseth such a gift, to deprive those who are yet unborn to grace the field of this earth and to breath, it is now become a duty of the faithful especially the flock of the Holy Catholic Church with the blessing of the Pope to safeguard such life, to ensure its perpetuity by asserting in all avenues the right of the unborn. This is now necessary for when man is left to its own devices, it subject God’s Will to bring life as his preporagative and play god to elect who will be born and who will not. To prove this, let this be facts be known that the faitful may see the Light. Their reasoning brings undue anxiety to the people in their assertion that more life will cause poverty, illness and malady which is preposterous. The earth is bountiful to support life and if there is such poverty, illness and malady, it is brought by the same folly of man like corruption, incompetence and sheer lack of compassion towards his fellow; That the majority of those who opposes the right of child to be born, causes unjust vexation to the faithfuls, whose meekness they take advantage of, as they only reiterate the importance of life. That without that reiteration and assertion to life, even them who opposess life will not even be present to make such opposition. Be let it known then, that we the faithfuls, of the Congregation of the Holy Mother Catholic Church, stand in steadfast, to defend those who cannot defend themselves. To not let that right to be born be trampled because they are not yet around to make themselves known. To this end, with the magnanimity of our purpose and with the blessings of the Holy Catholic
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