Sunday, May 24, 2020
The American Film Industry Essay - 3364 Words
The American Film Industry Why is the Film Industry one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the world? Simple. People like entertainment. Movies are entertainment. Movies are like books, only theyre visual. People like seeing other people cast in roles, and playing out a story. Why not turn to plays instead, you ask? Movies give people the actors and the stories, along with background music, special effects, and overall satisfaction within a 2 hour period of time. Movies can also take you to a physical state that theatre can not. They take you to real physical locations instead of just a cardboard stages. Its the same reason people like television so much. The birth of cinema came in the late 1800s. One of†¦show more content†¦In 1909 the first movie studio was started - Universal Studios. The ten year peiod of 1920-1930 was the period between the end of the Great War and the Stock Market Crash. Film theaters and studios were not initially affected in this decade by the crash. Films really blossomed in the 1920s, expanding upon the foundations of film from earlier years. Some of the best artists from European film-making circles were imported to Hollywood and adapted there. The basic pattern of the film industry, and its economic organization, was established in the 1920s - the studio system was essentially born in the second decade of the century. With films, came a need for protection, and ratings. The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) acted domestically as the voice and advocate of seven of the largest producers and distributors of filmed entertainment. MPAAs counterpart, the Motion Picture Association (MPA) served the same purpose on an international basis. Founded in 1922 as the trade association for the American film industry, the MPAA has broadened its authorization over the years to reflect the diversity of the expanding motion picture industry. Today, these associations represent not only the world of the theatrical film, but also major producers and distributors of entertainment programmingShow MoreRelatedThe American Film Industry1408 Words  | 6 PagesThe American film industry is one of the most far reaching and influential businesses in today’s world. Movies constantly spawn franchises which have die-hard fans lined up for hours just to get a ticket for a movie that is months away. The c elebrities in our movies are elevated to a position of super-fame. It is the nature to a human to adapt to conditions over a given period of time. Adaptation continues through into our entertainment as well. Audiences are becoming accustomed to seeing the sameRead MoreThe American Film Industry : The Asian Community983 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout history, the American film industry undoubtedly collected evidence that it has a huge racial issue. 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However, they are not produced through a simple combination, but rather, with a process that includes digestionRead MoreGender Roles Of The American Film And Television Industry3106 Words  | 13 Pages Gender Slaves The America film and television industry’s excessive use of stereotypical gender roles has negatively influenced society. Stereotypical gender roles are based on standards expected of males and females. Men are considered to be financial providers, career motivated and aggressive. Whereas women have been represented as low position workers, loving wives and mothers. Despite television programs and films that attempt to promote positive concepts about gender, male superiority overRead MoreGender Inequality : The Case Of The American Superhero Film Industry1425 Words  | 6 Pagesof the American superhero film industry The American film industry creates gender inequality through its structural components and proliferates it through the generation of character archetypes that assimilate into social norms which appeal to a mass audience. This cycle of gender inequality is evident through the structural inequality of the industry, the reinforcement of stereotyped social norms, and the comparison of two recent American superhero films. Suicide Squad follows the industry traditionRead MoreThe Main Changes That the Paramount Decree Effected on the Structure of the American Film Industry and the Measures the Ex-Studios Took to Remain in Control of the Film Market2265 Words  | 10 PagesOutline the main changes the paramount decree effected on the structure of the American film industry and discuss the measures the ex-studios took to remain in control of the film market. The period of the 1920s to 1950s where known as the studio era in Hollywood. A few major companies monopolized the industry through vertical integration when the film companies controlled all production distribution and exhibition. The majors determined which movies were shown in which theatres, choosing their
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Crime and the Bahamas - 750 Words
Crime in the Year 2000-2013 Crime and Todays Society In the Bahamian Society today Crime is greatly affecting our tiny communities, it seems as though crime is everywhere. From something as simple as stealing a cellular device, to the more evident violent gang crimes, In the Bahamas crime plagues many of our streets today. In this research, as a group we sought out to seek reasons for the rapid increase of crime over the 40 years since the Bahamas gained its independence in 1973 and reasons that contributed to the increase in criminal activity. We looked at a society once back when, where our community was once not heavily impregnated with influx of criminal activity and violent crimes, and compared it to our†¦show more content†¦Once again , Komolafe stresses the fact that â€Å"It is imperative that we place priority on educating our people once again; otherwise we will not be able to compete in our own country, much less globally†The truth of the matter is that Bahamians need to take initiative and educate themselv es on the importance of how growing up without an education is detrimental to future generations of the Bahamian society, persons who drop out of school or only stick to a basic high school education will face hardship in their lives as they grow older because it is noted that Lack of education on their part means lack of money to support a family and this Lack of steady income translates into stealing or breaking into other persons homes or convenience stores to obtain what is need to saturate their ownShow MoreRelatedGambling in The Bahamas: Should it Be Legalized? 1821 Words  | 7 Pagesto gamble is a right given to several matured persons living in the United Sates for the purpose of amusement. The Oxford dictionary defines the word ‘gamble’ as playing games for a chance of winning money. Last year, the current Government of the Bahamas proposed a referendum that asked Bahamians about their views on gambling. The referendum asked Bahamians if they supported the regularization and taxation of web shop gaming. As noted in the results, the mass of the Bahamian people voted no againstRead MoreThe Bahamas And The United States Of America1498 Words  | 6 PagesThe Bahamas being from the Caribbean islands has a strict government and law enforcement along with their corrections system. Besides them having a different type of government they still have certain features that can be compared to the United States of America. Not all rights are being guaranteed to everyone the way they should be. The Bahamas has stronger regulations on certain things that other countries do not have. They respect the right of foreign people when they are arrested. They joinRead MoreAdvantages Disadvantages of Tourism821 Words  | 4 Pagesdollars are floating in the Bahamian economy easily. iii) Foreign Exchange allows for the easy importation of goods and food. 2. Tourism provides jobs for thousands of Bahamians both directly and indirectly. If tourists do not come to the Bahamas, those persons directly involved in tourism for example, the straw vendors, the taxi drivers, retail storeowners etc., could be unable to pay their bills. If they are unable to make money they could be unable to pay their landlords, their mortgagesRead More History of the Bahamas Essay examples1033 Words  | 5 PagesHistory of the Bahamas The Bahama Islands were discovered on October 12, 1942 by Christopher Columbus. Columbus and his Spanish crew stumbled upon the archipelago while looking for a trade route to the wealth of the West Indies and named is San Salvador. (Craton, pg. 30) The Spanish settlers encountered the native Bahamians, the Lucayans upon thier arrival. The Lucayans were a primitive race of farmers and fisherman that had migratedRead MoreThe Beautiful Chain of Islands Called the Bahamas670 Words  | 3 PagesThe Bahamas The Bahamas is a chain of amazing islands, full of palm trees and beautiful beaches and shores. It is located in the North Atlantic Ocean. Its neighbors are Florida from the southeast and Cuba from the northeast. Strolling on that clear blue water along with some of the Bahamas’s 377,544 people, would be an amazing experience. Just smelling the fresh air would make you forget all your troubles, and relax. Just a long, flat coral and some low rounded hills all in one place includingRead MoreAll Proven Rapists, Pedophiles and Murderers Should Receive Capital Punishment1036 Words  | 5 Pagesexecution of a prisoner for a serious crime. The court, who administers the law enacted by parliament, will, after conviction of a criminal who has done serious offence, sentence him to be killed. It is believed by many, particularly those of religious persuasion that this type of punishment is inhumane and the practice should be abolished. I personally disagree with this opinion for several reasons. As Stated above, death penalty is generally ordered where the crime is a serious offence such as murderRead MoreEssay about The Damage to the United States Caused by the Prohibition712 Words  | 3 Pagesaway their family wealth, and many divorces from alcohol related problems. From its ratification in 1920, Prohibition irreparably damaged the United States. By almost bringing the country into complete corruption, launching a skyrocket in organized crime, and decreased revenue from lost taxes, it caused the government to almost go bankrupt, and in a desperate attempt to make money the government repealed the Prohibition Act in the simple need for cash flow. During Prohibition age corruption was everywhereRead MoreAlcoholism And The Consumption Of Alcoholic Liquor918 Words  | 4 Pagesbelieved that the drinking age from eighteen to twenty-one will reduce fatalities and limit addiction. Alcoholism is an illness and causes permanent damage to your brain cells. This is the main reason why I believe the legal drinking age in the Bahamas should be twenty-one instead of eighteen. A person’s brain is not fully developed until they reach the age of twenty-five. This three year time difference between eighteen and twenty-one will give a person’s brain more time to develop and be ableRead MoreEssay about Family and Household Tasks1562 Words  | 7 Pagesextended family, a single parent family and so much more. Many of these family types exist in the family today but unfortunately these families are being denatured every day due to the social problems. But with the power of God the families of the Bahamas can overcome their troubles. Table of contents * Introduction * Describe five different types of families. * What are the rights and responsibilities of family members? * How do social pressures affect the family? * DivorceRead MoreThe Impacts of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans798 Words  | 3 PagesHurricane Katrina started at the bottom of Florida in Cuba in the Atlantic Ocean. The Mayor issued a mandatory evacuation. The Superdome was used as a shelter for a last resort. The tropical depression that became Hurricane Katrina formed over the Bahamas on August 23, 2005, and meteorologists were soon able to warn people in the Gulf Coast states that a major storm was on its way. 80% of New Orleans population had evacuated before night fall. The storm made a 90 degree turn right towards New Orleans
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Looking for Environmentally Friendly Light Bulbs
Perhaps the ultimate â€Å"alternative to the alternative,†the LED (light-emitting diode) is well on its way to dethrone the compact fluorescent light (CFL) as king of the green lighting choices. Little remain of the early challenges to acceptance: most notably, brightness and color choices are now quite satisfactory. Affordability remains a challenge but has greatly improved. Heres a review of the little semiconductor device transforming our indoors and outdoors environments. LED Advantages LEDs have been used widely for decades in other applicationsâ€â€forming the numbers on digital clocks, lighting up watches and cell phones and, when used in clusters, illuminating traffic lights and forming the images on large outdoor television screens. Until recently, LED lighting has been impractical for most other everyday applications because it is built around costly semiconductor technology. But along with some breakthrough technological advancements, the price of semiconductor materials has dropped in recent years, opening the door for some exciting changes in energy-efficient, green-friendly lighting options. A lot less energy is needed to power LED lights than comparable incandescent and even CFL lights. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, a 15w LED light uses 75 to 80% less energy than the similarly bright 60w incandescent. The agency predicts that by 2027, the widespread use of LED will generate annual savings of $30 billion, based on current electricity prices.LED bulbs are lit solely by the movement of electrons. Since LED lights dont fail the same way as incandescent bulbs or CFLs, their lifespan is defined differently. LEDs are said to reach the end of their useful lifetime when their brightness has decreased by 30%. This lifetime can exceed 10,000 hours of operation, even more if both the light and the appliance are well designed. Proponents say LEDs can last some 60 times longer than incandescents and 10 times longer than CFLs. Unlike CFLs, they contain no mercury or other toxic substances. Mercury in CFLs is a concern during the manufacturing process, both in terms of pollution and exposure to workers. At home, breakage is worrisome, and disposal can be complicated.LEDs are solid-state technology, which makes them more resistant to shocks than either incandescent bulbs or CFLs. It makes their application welcome on vehicles and other machinery.Unlike incandescent bulbs, which generate a lot of waste heat, LEDs don’t get especially hot and use a much higher percentage of electricity for directly generating light.LED light is directional, allowing users to easily focus the light beam on desired areas. This eliminates most of the reflectors and mirrors needed in many incandescent and CFL applications, like ceiling projectors, desk lamps, flashlights, and car headlights.Finally, LEDs are quick to turn on, and there are now dimmable models. Disadvantages of LED Lights The price of LED lights for home lighting purposes has not dropped yet to the level of incandescent or CFL lights. LEDs are steadily becoming more affordable, though.Although they are not affected by low temperatures or moisture, LED use in freezing environments can be problematic for some outdoor applications. Since the surface of an LED does not generate much heat (the heat produced is evacuated at the base of the lamp), it will not melt accumulating ice or snow, which can be a problem for street lighting or vehicle headlamps. Edited by Frederic Beaudry.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Investigating Factors That Affect The Police Of Policing...
2.1 Introduction This chapter deals with a review of the literature on the topic of research to determine factors that affect the effectiveness of the police in policing regarding race and corruption. 2.2 The problem exists in contemporary society Many researches have raised concern over racism and police indulging in other criminal activities, especially corruption the United Kingdom, but contemporary research has been more specific when dealing with race matter, the scope has been so wide in that various scholars have found it important to explore it more to fight its prevalence. The racism in the police is a not matter which should be kept in secret; the prejudice is very visible in the public domain (Benson, 2010). The police approach to an issue is purely biased, the way police officers approach to white people is different from the way they tackle the same to a black person, minority ethnics and Asian person (Weitzer, 2008). The society has been socialized in a manner that the level of prejudice is used to define characters of a different race. These definitions in most cases amount to hatred actions. The issue of concern is where to run for justice now that police are part of this society. Due to this, many violence end s up unreported, In 2013/2014, the number of defendants who were referred by the police to Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) for a charging decision for racially and racially aggravated crimes rose by 14.17% from the previous year to 12,184, and out ofShow MoreRelatedResearch Report on Impact of Time Management11320 Words  | 46 Pagesimage of the police is measured a number of different ways. Sometimes surveys ask about â€Å"local†police, police in â€Å"your neighborhood†or police in â€Å"your area,†while other surveys ask about the police as a general institution. The terminology used to gauge public support also varies widely, with questions asking about whether respondents â€Å"approve of†or â€Å"trust†the police, have â€Å"confidence in†or â€Å"respect for†the police, or whether they â€Å"support†or have â€Å"favorable†views of the police. What makesRead MoreEssay on Racial Profiling11241 Words à ‚ | 45 Pages\\server05\productn\C\CPP\8-2\CPP204.txt unknown Seq: 1 5-JUN-09 8:30 Racial profiling and searches: Did the politics of racial profiling change police behavior?* Patricia Y. Warren Florida State University Donald Tomaskovic-Devey University Massachusetts, Amherst Research Summary Scholarly research has documented repeatedly that minority citizens are disproportionately stopped, searched, and arrested relative to their baseline populations. In recent years, policymakersRead MoreOnline Crime Reporting System17148 Words  | 69 Pagesmanaged. No human society has ever been totally free of deviants and it is unlikely that society will ever be. The more populated and complex a society becomes the wider the range of anti-social conduct that must be controlled by government using police power. The incident-based system reports on a much broader range of crimes and includes data on the circumstances of the crime, the victim, and the defendant. The current crime reporting system is faced with several difficulties as there is no instantRead MoreTorture and Custodial Violence in Prisons12554 Words  | 51 Pages Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana. Report on - The Custodial Violence and Torture In Prisons: Can it be justified even if done for a greater good? Where to draw the line between the autonomy of the police and the rights of the prisoners ? Basic Structure – * Human Rights- Importance, protection, NHRC’s role, International law,State, District. Why are they important? * What is the root problem? * Definition of Torture/ custodial violence. IsRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesIndex 398 v Contents PART 1 UNDERSTANDING HRM Chapter 1 The Dynamic Environment of HRM 2 Learning Outcomes 2 Introduction 4 5 Understanding Cultural Environments 4 The Changing World of Technology What Is a Knowledge Worker? 6 How Technology Affects HRM Practices 6 Recruiting 7 Employee Selection 7 Training and Development 7 Ethics and Employee Rights 7 Motivating Knowledge Workers 7 Paying Employees Market Value 8 Communications 8 Decentralized Work Sites 8 Skill Levels 8 A Legal Concern 8 Read MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesSharon Hartman Strom, Political Woman: Florence Luscomb and the Legacy of Radical Reform Michael Adas, ed., Agricultural and Pastoral Societies in Ancient and Classical History Jack Metzgar, Striking Steel: Solidarity Remembered Janis Appier, Policing Women: The Sexual Politics of Law Enforcement and the LAPD Allen Hunter, ed., Rethinking the Cold War Eric Foner, ed., The New American History. Revised and Expanded Edition E SSAYS ON _ T WENTIETH- C ENTURY H ISTORY Edited by
Liberalism Free Essays
This week essay based on Gerald Macaulay, last week’s articles Essay Assignment November 4th Instructions, Guidelines Topics Opinion based on research (secondary) Extension of a week to November 1 lath for any reason 1. What are ideologies 2. Key Feature of Ideologies 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Liberalism or any similar topic only for you Order Now What Is â€Å"special†about Ideologies? 4. What is the history of the concept? 5. Positive vs.. Negative conception of ideology 6. Complications of studying them What are ideologies? Competing conceptual frameworks Clusters/composites of political beliefs, values and ideas a pattern of social, political, economic, technological and philosophical beliefs that help us organize the world around us. †P. X Grounded in beliefs about human nature and social possibility (what is, and what could be) What do Ideologies do? Explain or Inform – what Is going on? Judge-what should I think about this? Guide political actions- what should do about this? Inform social relations-Who are my allies? My enemies? What Is my relationship to other In this? Etc. Key Features of ideologies Historically contingent-constantly changing/shifting Changes In central concepts (meanings) and also In relation of concepts to other concepts (e. G. Allegations of freedom to equality) Include â€Å"core†and â€Å"adjacent†concepts Both rational and emotional Normative and prescriptive In various affinities/alliances with each other (historically shifting) Include a spectrum of views Frequently claim to be true, to be non-ideological 1 OFF Differentiating ideologies from political theories/philosophies 1) Typicality 2) Influence 3) Conceptual Creativity 4) Communicability History of Ideologies Link to democracy, to concern with public opinion ) As a scientific term of study. How to cite Liberalism, Papers
The Importance of Biffs Role in Death of a Salesman Essay Example For Students
The Importance of Biffs Role in Death of a Salesman Essay The Importance of Biffs Role in Death of a Salesman The play Death of a Salesman, by Arthur Miller, follows the life of Willy Loman, a self-deluded salesman who lives in utter denial, always seeking the American Dream, and constantly falling grossly short of his mark. The members of his immediate family, Linda, his wife, and his two sons, Biff and Happy, support his role. Of these supportive figures, Biffs character holds the most importance, as Biff lies at the center of Willys internal conflicts and dreams , and Biff is the only one in the play who seems to achieve any growth. Biffs role is essential to the play because he generates the focus of Willys conflict for the larger part, his own conflict is strongly attributed to Willy, and finally, he is the only character who manages growth or a sense of closure in the play. Willy is forever plagued by the fact that Biff has not gone anywhere in life. Biff, who is already in his thirties, is still drifting from place to place, job to job, most recently work as a farmhand. Biff is a source of endless frustration for Willy, who always dreams of Biff being incredibly successful in the business world. When Willy has memories of Biff as a boy, he is completely obsessed with whether or not Biff is well-liked; however, he is completely oblivious to things like Biffs having stolen a football from school, and the fact that Biff is failing his math class. Be liked and you will never want, says Willy1363. The amount of aggravation generated by Biffs lack of motivation and desire to be successful makes Biffs role extremely important. The play also spends quite a bit of time focusing on Biffs own conflict, which is basically his father. In his youth, he shared his fathers great aspirations for himself. He was captain of the football team, and had plans for college and then a career in business afterwards. Biff was absolutely obsessed with pleasing his father, who was flawless in his eyes. All of this changed, however, when Biff found his father in a Boston hotel room with another woman. After that, Biff laid down and died like a hammer hit him 1392. Biff had never dreamed for himself, being concerned only with fulfilling his fathers wishes. When Biff realized that Willy was not the great man that he thought he was, his dreams became nothing to him, as had his father. And so, Biff became a drifter, living only on a day to day basis. Lastly, Biff is the only character who achieves any real growth in the play. Throughout the play Linda has remained static, always steadfastly supporting Willy, and believing he is incapable of flaw. At Willys funeral, Happy says, Im gonna show you and everybody else that Willy Loman did not die in vain. He had a good dream. Its the only dream you can have-to come out number-one man. He fought it out here, and this is where Im gonna win it for him1415. His father died deluding himself, and apparently Happy is going to do the same. It is only Biff who realizes had all the wrong dreams. All, all, wrongà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦The man never knew who he was1415. Biff has accepted the fact that he was not meant to be a salesman and must seek another path in life. Having made these observations, it quickly becomes clear that Biffs character is as vital to the play as is Willys. Without Biff there would be no play. Therefore, Biffs role in Death of a Salesman is important because he is the focus of Willys attention and distress, his own conflict is based on his father, and Biff actually grows at the end of the play, which is important to any story.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Organizational Change Management A Proposed Model
Question: Discuss about the Organizational Change Management for A Proposed Model. Answer: Introduction The report is having a brief discussion on organizational change in fast track in relation to their objective and goals. Report explains the change in organization strategic plan which fast track will make according to their policies, practice, goals and objectives. There is an analysis of organization performance with regard to their people, processes, technology and structure. The report consists of the analysis of external trend of organization which effect their objective and working system (Blokdijk, 2008). Report consists of the analysis on the changes required due to performance gaps of employees, business opportunities and different changes due to management decision and threats. The change required by fast track in their policies, practices, plans, working system and structure is discussed here. Analysis of organisational objectives for identifying the change requirements for Fast Track Couriers To identify the change required in Fast Track Courier objectives one has to understand and analyse their strategic plan properly (Brown and KaÃÅ'„tz, 2009). Strategic plan of Fast Track consist of: Analysis of market share Operating expenditure of Fast Track courier Analysis of service provided by the organization Study of method for increasing profit rate of the organization. Analysis of change required in organization policies considering their employees. Requirements for change Changes should be done by every organization to improve working structure, market share and etc. Fast Track Courier requires changes in their objective to achieve goals and increase profit share of the organization (Brnnmark and Benn, 2012). The changes are required in Fast Track courier to:- Increase their market share in comparison to their competitors in market. To reduce their operating expenditure to gain more profit. Changes are required for improving and increasing the number of services provided by Fast Track Courier (Cameron and Green, 2004). For increasing their profit rate organization has to increase the number of service provided by them and the work to increase the number of customers (Degen, n.d.). Changes are required for improving the quality of services provided by them so that they can increase their customers. Explanation of change needed in relation to organizations strategic plan goal/s Organization strategic plan of Fast Track Courier are used to explain their strategies, direction, process of decision making and etc (Elias, 2007). Strategic plan of Fast Track Courier is used to explain organizational goals and the process required to achieve that goals. Strategic planning is the process which explains the whole working process of Fast Track Courier. Strategic planning of Fast Track Courier is required to be changed:- To increase the profit shares in comparison of previous year. For reducing the operating expenditure cost to increase their income. To change their working structure this can motivate their employees to work better. Fast Track courier should change their objective considering their employees and customers (Floyd, 2002). The services provided by the organization should be improved and if required changed to increase their customer number. Strategic plans are required to be changed to update the organization in relation to technology. Organization should always change their working practice so that the employees are motivated toward the organization and their job. Current policies, practices and operations deliver against the organisations strategic goals The current strategic goals of Fast Track Courier in relation to their policies and practices are as: To increase their market share Expand their service facilities as per market change and requirement (Gover and Duxbury, 2012) To improve their employee engagement in context to their job. To update or improve their supply chain system. To upgrade their structure regarding technology and supply chain system. Organizations performance with regards to its :- People:- People in organization mean the employees of the organization. Fast Track Courier should always review that the workforce of their organization are having proper skill, knowledge as per their jobs. Because if the employees are not having knowledge regarding their job or task then both organization and employee as to face problem (Green, 2007). The organizational policies and practices should always be in support of employees so that they are motivated to work. Organization should give proper training regarding the changes made in technology, working system (GruÃÅ'ˆnig, KuÃÅ'ˆhn and KuÃÅ'ˆhn, 2005). If suppose Fast Track Courier are changing their supply chain system or upgrading it in technology then the employees working on supply chain system should be trained properly so that they are comfortable with new technology (Jarrahi and Sawyer, 2014). Fast track Courier should always keep a track on the contribution of their employees in success. Processes Fast Track courier should always analyze there end to end process whether it is effective in achieving the goals decided at the starting of the work (Langley, 2007). Organization should upgrade their work flow process as per the task to achieve positive result in less expenditure. Technology Fast Track Courier should always upgrade their system in relation to technology used by them. Organization should try to keep them updated in technology so that they can achieve goals (Oreg, Michel and By, 2013). If Fast Track Courier is working on old technology in comparison of their competitors in market then the result or the outcome achieved can affect their profit (Nilakant and Ramnarayan, 2006). Before updating the technology organization should check the compatibility of the technology with working system of the organization. And organization should also provide proper training to their employees after the implementation of the technology. Structure The structure of Fast Track Courier should support their decision making process. The structure of the organization helps in deciding the levels of hierarchy (Organisation and management change, 2002). Organization should always have structure as per their job i.e. centralized, decentralized, sales and service and etc. Structure of the organization helps in motivating their employees to work in a team i.e. it helps in promoting team building within the organization. External trends which may affect the achievement of the organisations strategic plan goals There are two types of trends internal trends and external trends which effect the achievement of the organisation strategic planning and goals (Pelletier et al., 2011). Some of the external trends of the Fast Track Courier which effect their strategic planning and goals are as: Consumers- The rapidly changing demand of the consumer make difficult for the organization to decide their goals and objective. Economy of the country- The main factor which affects each and every organization strategic planning and goals is the nations economy. Ethics- Ethics are the set of rules and regulation which every nation have regarding working condition and style of the organization (Poole and Van de Ven, 2004). Every organization has to work as per the ethics mentioned by the nation and employees also have to work as per the ethics of the organization. Legal- Organization have to work according to the legal procedure (Pugh and Mayle, 2009). The working style and the process have to be decided under the legal condition. Political- Politics of country affect the organization working condition as well their goal. Social- Organization should try to work without affecting the surroundings or the society in which they are located. Technology- Organization has to be updated in technology they are using. Old technology can affect the performance of organization. Organization should upgrade their technology and train their employees. Suppose the organization Fast Track Courier is using old technology in comparison of their competitors for supply chain system, due to this Fast Track will be lacking behind. Organization always has to be updated regarding the technology used by them (Quttainah and Paczkowski, 2014). Major operational change requirements Changes due to performance gaps Organization operation can be affected by the performance gap of the organization as well as the employees. Performance gap is the difference between current situation and the pretended situation of the work flow (Senior and Fleming, 2006). To analyze the performance gap of the business the performance gap analysis process is done. Operational changes can be made after analyzing the performance gap of the business. Changes due to business opportunities Business opportunity helps organization to know the present condition of the market in relation to their job (Special issue of Strategic Organization: "Strategic Responses to Institutional Complexity", 2014). As per the demand or need in the market organization has to change their working or operation process. To achieve the goals organization has to focus on the market changes in relation to their business. Changes due to threats There are different internal and external threats which affect the operation of the organization. External threats can be economy, politics, technology and etc and internal threats can be workforce, organizational policies, practices and etc (Toia, 2002). Changes due to management decisions Management decisions in the organizations are the decisions taken by the management regarding the working process, style, organizational policies and practices (Zanotti, 2012). Operation process of any organization is affected by policies, practices and working style. Specialist required for assisting the identified changes Organization take help of an external consultant for identifying the changes required within the organization. External consultant is used by organization to:- To analyze the neutral view of the organization. To suggest the best practice for their organization. To give training of the knowledge and skill required for new projects or task of the organization. To identify the gap between the performance of employees and the business of the organization. To suggest the best way to the organization for improving their performance gap. To suggest organization best way for achieving their goal with minimum expenditure cost. Model used for engaging the specialist and reason for using the model The model used by the organization to engage specialist are as:- Purchasing the expertise model In this method the specialist suggests the expert model or the best method which can be used for making changes in organization. Doctor patient model Doctor patient model means the problem occurred is patient and the consultant is doctor who will suggest the best way to the organization for removing or overcoming from the problem. Process consultation Process consultation is used to analyse the particular process of the organization and then recommend the best suited way for making changes in that particular process so that organization can achieve their goal or objective without any obligations (Blaber, 2004). The reason behind using these different models by organization for engaging their specialist are as:- To identify the expert method used for improving the performance of the employees. To analyze the reason of performance gap of the organization and suggest the best way for improving it. To make employees train regarding the new technology or the changes made in working process. To ensure that the technology, working process used by the organization are up to date and perfect as per the job. To suggest a better plan or way for achieving organizational goal and objective with a minimum expenditure cost. To identify the threats or the barriers in achieving the goals and suggest organization a best suited way. For suggesting a proper activity process plan which will help organization in achieving their goals. Conclusion By the above discussion in report the conclusion which can be stated is the changes required by the Fast Track Courier has to be made by taking into consideration the people, policies, practice and etc of the organization. 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